

Sotec Medical SAS

Sotec Medical designs and manufactures medical equipment for hospitals, clinics and nursing homes, as well as homecare. The firm emphasises that it's wide range of appliances, from standard to custom-made, are subjected to in-depth study both in their workings as well as aesthetics.

Celebrate the NHS with 293 British firms

In the 60 years since Britain's National Health Service (NHS) was born, investment and innovation in this service has transformed healthcare delivery, placing the NHS in the top league for groundbreaking science - from the first test tube baby to the regular NHS organ transplants today.


UBIFRANCE and the network of Trade Commissions together constitute the French government's corporate international expansion support framework. Every year they help over 13,000 companies of all sizes, and from all sectors, to develop their activities worldwide, thanks to the expertise of 2,500 staff based in France and in 120 countries, who operate through the Trade Commissions of the French…

Austrian Life Sciences exhibiting at MEDICA

Life Science Austria (LISA) is showcasing Austria's life sciences strengths at a joint exhibition stand at this year's MEDICA. Representative, Doris Dobida, explained the background: Life Science Austria and its cluster partners support Austrian businesses and research institutions as they work towards becoming international.


BVMed's autumn survey is encouraging

Job offerings in the medical technology sector in Germany continue to rise, despite increasing price pressure, according to results from a recent survey conducted by the German medical-technology association BVMed. Encouragingly, these show that, in 2008, 55% of the med-tech companies created additional jobs and roughly 30% of the companies kept a stable head count.

Chronic wound care today

When it comes to chronic wound care, says Professor Heinz J Janssen of the Institute for Health and Nursing Economics (IGP) at Bremen University of Applied Sciences, cost effectiveness and quality are not contradictions.


UPS Healthcare Logistics

From 'A' as in Austria to 'Z' as in Zanzibar the letters 'UPS' (United Parcel Service) are known for express transportation and logistics services. Since the late '90s the UPS section responsible for logistics services has delivered supply chain solutions for healthcare customers, including pharmaceutical, biotech, medical devices and equipment companies - an important growth sector for this…

Exhausted? Share a `Happy Hour´

Regulars at MEDICA well understand the energy needed to stay the pace. A welcome break at the end of the days could be found at the receptions or `Happy Hours´ held by certain exhibitors who will be happy to welcome visitors to their stands.

LWI: The novel Web-based international trading portal

LifeWorld International Inc (LWI), the internet portal for bilateral global trade in science products and technology transfer of healthcare equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and computer technology, enables public and private sector buyers to obtain the products and services they need while offering reputable and pre-qualified sellers to present their products in reverse online auctions.

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