

Serving and improving Middle East healthcare

The 2nd Hospital Build Middle East Exhibition & Congress (1-3 June. Dubai) aims to draw together the investors, commissioners, backers and managers of major healthcare building projects, as well as suppliers of services in planning, design, building, operations, management and refurbishment.

The end in sight for hospital subsidies

The financing of hospital treatments in Switzerland is particularly complex. The current health insurance law (KVG) has no easy answers. Who covers the cost of treatment differs from district to district, depending on whether a treatment is carried out in a public or private hospital, whether carried out within a resident’s own district, whether out- or in-patient care or whether, or not, the…

Problems piling up

Everyone (even if only marginally interested in public affairs) must have noted the current astronomic, worldwide public debts -- including the USA’s astounding $12 trillion. Additionally, everyone probably noted that, in many cases, this had something to do with the healthcare sectors.


The Hospital Management Symposium 2010

What a success! On 6 March, ECR meeting room K was filled to capacity when congress president Professor Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska opened the Hospital Management Symposium 2010 (HMS). The number of pre-registrations bore witness to HMS’ high reputation. Many ECR participants had immediately the HMS time bracket in their agendas in order not to miss the new developments in “Management,…


Radiology and Management

Professor Jörg F. Debatin, MD MBA, Medical Director and Chairman of the Board of University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) opened the session with his presentation “The role of radiology in the strategic planning of medical centres”. He discussed possibilities to effectively explore the hidden potential of diagnostic radiology services.


Hospitals and Cost Management

No more healthcare myopia! Although Szabolcs Dorotovics, MD MBA and Managing Director for Global Ventures at Johns Hopkins Medicine International, Baltimore, USA, is not an ophthalmologist, he urged the HMS audience to put on their specs and look beyond institutional, national and cultural borders and boundaries.


Cost Management in Radiology

At this year’s HMS, André Hoppen, MD MSc, Sales Manager for VR MEDICO, Germany, looked at the most important decision-making criteria from the perspective of a financial services provider. “Finding out whether a new MRI or CT scanner will pay off is only possible by asking specific questions”, he said.


Process Management and Radiology

Increasingly, hospitals have to find ways to optimise the capacity, efficiency and utilization of their MRI services. David Wormald, Integrated Assistant Vice President for Diagnostic Services at Hamilton Health Sciences & St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, Canada, knows this problem in and out – and a few solutions on top of it.


Medical Engineering and IT

"The problem between information technology and medical engineering may stem from sequential processing and intermeshing", Peter Gocke, MD, said. Sounds difficult? But the real difficulty in the “Cooperation between IT and Medical Engineering (ME)” is something seemingly mundane: “At the end of the day collaboration is the target achievable”, Gocke, who is IT director at the University…


All about healthcare IT

The eHospital Census is a comprehensive historical record of healthcare IT installations at the functional level. Regarding hospitals in 12 European countries and 44 software applications (like Radiology Informations System or PACS) the eHospital Census contains descriptions of the installed base including availability, scope, market share, age profile, and life span of installations. The…


System change - From imaging plate to digital radiographs

Patients attending a radiology practice in Demmin, Germany, benefit from state-of-the-art ultrasound, mammography, X-ray, CT and MRI technology. Owned by Drs Uwe Kairies and Frank Rosenbaum, the practice has also introduced a RIS/PACS. Soon after the latter installation they switched from imaging plates, replacing their entire X-ray system with a new, direct digital radiology system with two…



With a network of distributors covering 100 countries, a loyal base of customers driving double-digit growth and a full line of ultrasound scanners touching every clinical application, from advanced cardiology to routine examinations, Sonoscape reports that it is solidly ranked among the top companies for medical imaging in Europe.



Combining a dedicated R&D team and with acquisitions of key companies, Landwind Medical is aiming to provide products and services for direct patient care. Managing Vice President Wang Guozhong shares a passion for medical imaging with the company’s founder and confirms that ultrasound and radiology will remain a core focus as the firm continues to expand internationally.


The growing need for ‘cloud’ computing

In June 2009, IBM introduced the industry’s first set of commercial cloud services. Based on two years of research and hundreds of client engagements, the IBM Smart Business ‘cloud’ portfolio aims to help clients turn complex business processes into simple services. How does IBM explain what cloud services are? Cloud Computing is a form of IT use where the end user can utilise…


Shimadzu combines two vital strengths to create new molecular imaging technologies

Molecular imaging, a new science that emerged from molecular biology, is unlike traditional imaging. Whilst the latter can, for example, show the differences in proton density or water content on MRI, molecular imaging uses biomarkers (probes) that interact selectively with molecules within an area and then generate the image according to fine molecular alterations occurring inside (e.g. within a…

Montpellier CHRU installs ORBIS

Agfa HealthCare announced that it has signed an agreement with Montpellier CHRU for the installation of its leading Hospital/Clinical Information System (HIS/CIS) ORBIS across its seven facilities. Montpellier CHRU is one of France's leading care facilities with seven institutions providing a full spectrum of healthcare. As an academic hospital, it provides critical care, teaching and…

Dalli to start as new Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy

Eucomed, the European Medical Technology Industry Association, is pleased to see that the European Parliament hasvoted in favour of President Barroso’s new Commission team. The association especially looks forward to working with John Dalli, the Commissioner for Health and Consumer Affairs, and his team to address his priorities such as “the development of effective and efficient healthcare…


Planning the Hospital of the Future

The first decade of the 21st century has ended and the time has come to make up some minds about what hospitals should look like in the near future to fulfill the requirements of modern medicine and demographic changes.


Booking a 2010 holiday?

During a 2nd conference in Germany to focus specifically on medical tourism, about a 100 physicians and representatives from the country’s Department of Economics, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, met in Sankt Augustin to discuss ways to augment their country’s healthcare attractions for international patients, particularly from the Arab and Russian regions.

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