
DNA Art for your hospital?

For anyone wishing to purchase a product from DNA Art UK the company will offer a 15% discount for a limited time only


Vienna about to reorganise its hospital landscape

Vienna is facing comprehensive restructuring of its hospital landscape in order to accommodate the demographic changes in the Austrian capital city. Currently, in northern Vienna approximately three beds are available per 1,000 inhabitants, in western Vienna there are nine. It is planned to provide six beds per 1,000 inhabitants in Vienna by 2012/2013.


Elekta to buy CMS

The Swedish radiotherapy and radiosurgery specialist Elekta is in negotiations to buy CMS, the St Louis, MO-based supplier of radiotherapy treatment-planning (RTP) systems, for $75 million in cash.

Die AFHdialogTAGE

Innovative Lösungen und neue Technologien diskutieren, Herausforderungen gemeinsam annehmen - dafür stehen die AFHdialogTAGE des Asklepios Future Hospital Programms (AFH). Die zweitägige Fachtagung findet am 28. und 29.Januar in Berlin statt.


Early Health - Investment or Cost?

Early Health, i.e. the early detection of diseases, will have to move into the centre of attention - this is the result of a survey by Total Healthcare Solutions (THS). Dr Susanne Michel, Associate Director at THS, underlines that in the future prevention will have to be considered an investment in healthcare rather than a mere cost factor. Decision makers from politics and the healthcare system…


Medical Care from Space

Since telemedicine is becoming increasingly important in many medical fields — from tele- homecare to disaster management — new technical solutions and applications are required. The European Space Agency (ESA) is actively participating in several projects across Europe which explore the potential of satellite communication technologies and associated connectivity services for telemedicine,…



The specialist world consisting of doctors' surgeries, clinics, laboratories, the trade and industry, seized the opportunity and was present in Düsseldorf in impressive numbers. Over the four days of the fair the events still attracted approx. 137,000 trade visitors from around 100 countries to the Rhine (2006: 137,500 visitors). They were shown a broad spectrum of innovations and new products…


Siemens Medica Press Conference

Siemens in collaboration with the Rhön -Klinikum and the Fraunhofer ISST announced that in December, they will start an electronic case file (eFA) pilot project. For the first time data will be exchanged between two reputable chains of private clinic. This makes Siemens the first industry partner to have realised the eFA specification of the Fraunhofer ISST including peer-to-peer communication…


Austrian firm expands in Germany

The international laboratory group Futurelab Holding GmbH has moved into the German laboratory market following its recent acquisition of Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum (MVZ) 'Labor Dr Tiller&Kollegen'. Futurelab has a registered base in Vienna and is one of the largest suppliers of private medical laboratory services in central and east Europe (EEC countries).

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