Outsourcing as part of hospital IT optimisation
The trend towards consolidation of healthcare services across a hospital, and across hospital groups, leads to the segmentation between core competences and those services that may be handled more efficiently by a third party.

This analysis will uncover opportunities for more efficiency even with improved service levels. However, the execution should be carefully planned and prepared.
The presentation will show the opportunities and challenges that such segmentation offers. It will cover how to best select the right competences, how to prepare and execute the change and how to manage the providers.
The model shown will begin with a classification of all Diagnostic activities (such as DRGs). It includes the procedures for medical documentation and the cost measurements based on the activities performed. The available DRG models will be shown that could be used to perform such activity/cost correlations.
The second part will focus on the execution: What the parameters are to manage the vendor and what available definitions there are for the service levels.
CV: Medical doctor Thomas Geisinger studied hospital business administration (VWA) at Mainz University, Germany. Today, he is Global Manager for E-Health integration with Agfa HealthCare. After being head of medical management at Frankfurt/Main University Hospital for three years, in 2003 he became a hospital business advisor and director for DRG Product Management at GWI in Bonn — which was acquired by Agfa HealthCare. He then joined a specialist-team to build up the international rollout of the Agfa HIS/CIS business, with a focus on market evaluation and strategy.