Shedding new light on healthcare: The Siemens Healthcare Solution Center

Visitors' center presents the newest developments in medical technology

Siemens Healthcare has entirely redesigned its visitors' center, the Siemens Healthcare Solution Center. On 2,000 sqm the visitors can experience how state-of-the-art medical technology ensures high-quality and at the same time affordable healthcare.

Photo: Shedding new light on healthcare: The Siemens Healthcare Solution Center
Before, the presentation in the visitors’ center focussed on the medical equipment, the new design, however, affords the visitor a glimpse on a modern hospital with its complex medical workflows. Movies and presentations illustrate the different areas of healthcare – from prevention to early detection and diagnosis, therapy and care. At the heart of the new design concept are enormous fish-shaped LEDs that put the Siemens equipment in its true light On 17 January 2008, the Siemens Healthcare Solution Center was officially inaugurated.
At Siemens Healthcare, research and development focus on people – on men, women and children and the lifelong care for and restoration of their health. With innovative medical-technological solutions Siemens wants to offer all patients shorter examination times, earlier diagnoses and more effective therapies.
In the Siemens Healthcare Solution Center the individual steps that each patient may go through are explained as well as the increasingly important integration of all partners in the healthcare system – including practice-based physicians and hospitals. A metaphor for this integration is the school of fish represented by about 100 fish-shaped lamps on the ceiling of the visitors' center. More than 100,000 LEDs colour the room in so many hues.
The presentation on the newly designed upper floor of the visitors' center focuses on IT solutions in the healthcare system, for example the electronic patient record.
The new design of the Solution Center was developed within twelve months and implemented in a mere eight weeks. “This extraordinary space concept allows us to illustrate the important role that innovative solutions which were developed by Siemens Healthcare play in the everyday life of physicians and patients, of hospitals and healthcare centers”, says Stephan Feldhaus, Director of Corporate Communications at Siemens Healthcare. “We can show how people benefit from progress in modern medicine – short examination times, early detection and effective therapies.“
Even before being revamped the Solution Center attracted many visitors from all over the world: In 2007 alone, Siemens welcomed about 10,000 guests at the center – mostly customers and experts but also representatives from industry and politics.


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