Importance of strategic partnerships
By Cynthia E. Keen
The healthcare system is in a phase of transition - from planned economy to free market economy. Establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships is a crucial component of any ciable strategy in future business, explained Harald W Bachleitner, Managing Director of Initiative Gesundheitswirtschaft in Berlin, Germany, at the Hospital Management Symposium.

Mr Bachleitner endorses strategic partnerships between healthcare organizations and healthcare IT vendors. The key advantages include attaining a level of quality that cannot be achieved by either of the partners acting alone. By merging professional resources, more cost efficiency may be able to be attained and the process of securing funding to finance the technology innovations may be easier.
“For many countries, healthcare services is the only industry that is growing,” Mr Bachleitner said. “Healthcare is a highly dynamic market.” By utilizing the services of a vendor, a portion of the revenue received from the services will be reinvested in R&D, ensuring that new technological innovations will emerge. Properly planned and executed, a customer/partner outsourced management relationship can be a winning scenario for everyone.
“A strategic partnership gives you an edge over the competition. It’s worth the effort!”