Imaging for everyone and every facility
Ludger Philippsen, Senior Manager at Sony Healthcare, says modular workflow solutions are `the future´.
Ludger Philippsen, Senior Manager at Sony Healthcare, says modular workflow solutions are `the future´.
Dr Rimikis will be discussing:
Slovakia was part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire until 1918, when Czechs and Slovaks were brought together to form the Czechoslovak Republic. After World War II, and up to 1948, the country was still part of Europe, but then fell behind the 'Iron Curtain'. From 1989 it began 'knocking on the EU door' and entry was granted in 2003. Today Slovakia's population is around 5.38 million. To serve…
At the EH symposium, Dr Algayres will discuss:
Coronary artery analysis: just a few clics and the software automatically tracks the arteries, enabling assessment of the vessel lumen, calcifications, and adjacent structures
The US finally did it: radiologists and cardiologists got together to draft guidelines for cardiovascular imaging procedures and define quality standards. However, Europe still awaits a binding consensus to end internal squabbles in hospitals. Meike Lerner, of European Hospital, discussed this situation with Professor Ernst E van der Wall MD, (right) Head of the Department of Cardiology at Leiden…
The first highlight is the expansion of IMPAX 6, the globally successful web-based PACS for diagnostic mammography.
Philips Speech Recognition Systems has acquired Kuhlmann-Informations-Systeme (KIS), a provider of dictation and speech recognition solutions for healthcare.
Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, boasts the country's third-largest hospital. East-Tallinn Central Hospital (ETCH) has 587 beds, 26,000 inpatients and last year recorded 425,000 outpatient visits. It dates from 1785 when the former Tallinn Central began to operate as a town hospital. However, in 2001, four hospitals and two polyclinics were merged to form ETCH.
With the new Linux software development kit (SDK) Royal Philips Electronics introduced the first solution to integrate their SpeechMike products into a Linux operating system.
High-resolution tomographic scanners and other 3-D technologies provide a number of compelling advantages for diagnostic medical imaging.
„Through its engagement in various initiatives and publications ZVEI (the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) consistently underlines the great potential of IT in the healthcare system — in Germany and Europe. “It's a milestone in German healthcare modernisation within a European context”, says ZVEI
Rapidly changing conditions which affect patient throughput, require very quick reactions from hospital management.
DRG and quality management as a success factor in hospital management
corpuls.net is a database system that amalgamates recorded data and information for use by emergency medical services (EMS).
The UK Health Minister has set out key details of what patients and the public can expect from the NHS Care Records Service.
Rescue workers are often confronted with chaotically situations which are hard to sum up and coordinate.
A new integrated medical video makes archiving quicker and easier.
At RSNA, Agfa HealthCare introduced a range of functional extensions for digital mammography reading and reporting applications on its industry leading IMPAX™ PACS platform. The company launched IMPAX 6.2 integrated with CAD and MRS® Reporting as well as showing a work-in-progress of a new software application that addresses the growing need for digital mammography screening.
Marc Winchester is new President, North America of Digital Healthcare Inc.
The Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU), in Toulouse, contracted Agfa HealthCare to install ORBIS, the company's clinical and administrative information system.
With `braincell´concept, Riger Medical provides a safe and effective electronical equipment for Biomedical Engeneering departments.
The European PACS market gained $73.6 million revenues in 2005 and could rise to $200.5 million in 2012.
Professor Raimung Erbel, of the West GErman Heart Centre Esse, Duisburg University Hospital aobut the hot topics of this years´congress.