Data management


Virtual slide for real analysis

The updated Olympus dotSlide digital virtual microscopy system can scan entire slides at high resolution and fidelity, making them accessible and fully navigable anywhere in the world. Using any of the three models - dotSlide MD (manual); dotSlide SL (fully automated, with slide loader), and dotSlide TMA (with a tissue micro-array module) - users can examine a virtual slide as if seeing the…


Bulgaria issues first electronic medical cards

A pilot project begun in February by the Ministry of Health and the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) has resulted in Bulgaria issuing its first electronic medical cards. The pilot project is run by the international eHealth specialist ICW* in partnership with the firms Cisco and Kontrax.


Philips SpeechMagic - Easy creation of medical reports

Documentation in hospital is a time consuming process: Clinicians speak their reports on a dictation system, but have no full control of report creation as members of the transcription department finalize it. Sometimes this complex procedure takes several days to be finished.


How digitisation impacts on people

UK - Looking at the growing need to understand how digitisation of health information will impact upon patients, staff and managers across the health service, Professor Ann Blandford of the University College London, and Professor Peter Lunt, surveyed 200 patients as well as their representatives, clinicians and other healthcare professionals (librarians and IT staff) working in eight NHS trusts.…


Spanish university hospital nets communications

Son Dureta University Hospital, in Palma de Mallorca (Balearics), is Europe's first to use a clinical information system developed from a partnership between Oracle Corporation, Orion Health and Fujitsu Services. Joan Marqués Faner, the hospital's Chief Information Officer, discussed the system with Eduardo de la Sota, our correspondent in Spain.


Hospital group streamlines screening

Italy — One of the biggest RIS/PACS implementations in Europe is being co-ordinated the Area Vasta Centro (AVC) group, which runs 12 hospitals in central Tuscany. Among these, CPA Pistoia hospital (one of three in the ASL 3 Pistoia group, a sub-division of AVC) is streamlining its mammography workflow with a CR Mammography system supplied by Agfa HealthCare.


Buzz words: digital mammography

Full field digital mammography (FFDM) and computed radiography (CR) based mammography systems may bring hospitals and breast imaging services closer to gaining digital mammography, but, according to a leading systems vendor, simply buying imaging equipment does not automatically lead to a more efficient workflow.


Digital dashboard software for PACS admin

Eastman Kodak Company is selling its new Carestream Digital Dashboard software that enables system administrators to monitor equipment performance, storage utilisation and user volumes for the company's Carestream PACS and information management solutions. Kodak also reports that the next version of this software will support monitoring of the Carestream Radiology Information System (RIS).


Article • Blood products and radiofrequency identification (RFID)

Bar coding saves blood products

The Sato Corporation specialises in barcode printing - established in Japan, it pioneered the first hand labellers in 1962 and, in 1974, developed a printer able to print barcodes and OCR characters.


How much IT does healthcare really need?

The question is increasingly significant. Information technology (IT) has thrust itself into all corners of life — some argue for better, some for worse, largely because efficient electronic networking cannot happen overnight. Thus gatherings to share experiences are valuable, as seen in the Berliner Klinik-IT Forum, a two-day event in January, supported by the Charité Berlin. The theme was:…


Article • The impact of PACS

Radiologists diversify into new fields

Sweden - PACS is pushing radiologists towards increasing specialisation, according to a new study - among the first to examine the impact of PACS on radiologists' careers - published in the Journal of Digital Imaging (27/12/2006).



IT introduction is increasingly considered a strategic element, since it is capable of supporting different decision processes at various levels (top management, middle management and professionals) and guiding them towards concrete objectives: cost control and containment, improved efficiency, evaluation and enhancement of service quality.

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