

Exclusive dry long film for digital CR/DR

XL, an exclusive, dry, long film for use in the Horizon XL printer - currently the only digital long film imager on the market - promises to not only to reduce costs, save space, and completely eliminate wet film processing needs, but also to enhance orthopaedic studies of paediatric and adult spines, scoliosis and long bone hip-to-ankle.


RSNA/US launch for EU healthcare consultancy

Launched in 2005, and introduced to a broader healthcare public at the 2006 European Congress of Radiology (ECR), Agfa Healthcare Consulting is now to be introduced to potential customers beyond Europe - at this year's RSNA in Chicago.


4 steps to successful staff planning

Most hospitals must now report on the origin, cost and usage of all equipment and supplies. However, far less is known about a hospital's most important and expensive* asset: employees. Despite financial pressures, DRGs, and the EuGH judgement, which aims to end stress (particularly for junior doctors) discussion of the economical and effective use of personnel is frequently avoided, or can evoke…



In preparation for EU entry, Romania's laboratories are in the process of raising standards.


Integration in 3 stages

Hospitals increasingly co-operate with other establishments, and networking is becoming a way of life. Such change is also occurring in many hospital laboratories. By co-operating with other hospital labs and laboratory institutes, hospital labs try to improve their financial situation. By Dr Burkhard Ziebolz of Roche Diagnostics GmbH



Bologna - The University Hospital S.Orsola-Malpighi has 1,800 beds and is one of the largest to install the DNLab management system. With 150 workstations connected to the LIS and over 50 analysers, each day, the two laboratories (central and microbiology) receive almost 3,000 orders and carry out over nine million tests annually. Hospital wards and departments are connected via Web to the LIS…



"Thermofocus* is the first non-contact clinical thermometer in the world and the only one working at an accurate and determinate distance," Tecnimed srl, its manufacturer, reports. "Body temperature is measured in less than one second by pointing Thermofocus at the centre of the forehead."

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