DMIST demystified
Cynthia E Keen discusses the controversy evoked by an ambitious 36-month digital mammography trial that has cost the US $26,000,000
Cynthia E Keen discusses the controversy evoked by an ambitious 36-month digital mammography trial that has cost the US $26,000,000
Although X-ray mammography can detect small cancers before they have spread. However, because abnormalities can only be identified non-specifically, percutaneous or surgical breast biopsy must follow - but less than 20% of women recalled for biopsies have cancer.
Ballon Brachytherapy and effective drug combination.
The Diagnostic Breast Centre Gottingen has opened the first European Women's Healthcare Centre (WHC). Professor Uwe Fischer, head of the new centre, said: "We have set ourselves the objective, with the help of ultra-modern systems and high-quality processes, to diagnose breast cancer in the very earliest stages."