

Patient records follow the patient at CHU-Bordeaux

Building on top of its imaging network, the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux today features a shared medical record that follows a patient through the entire care path and beyond to scheduling follow up appointments. All medical wards and surgical groups in the 3,107-bed CHU-Bordeaux complex access and then contribute to this unique patient record that was constructed step-by-step…



Many years ago, five self-made millionaires were interviewed about their work. The last question posed was: ‘Is there one thing to which you could attribute your enormous success?’ Without hesitation, four answered: ‘Energy!’ The fifth quipped, ‘Luck’. By the law of averages energy is thus a vital ingredient. However, there are many other essential assets and luck is the least of them.

The Hospital IT Network

The Hospital IT Network, an online platform for vendors and buyers of hospital IT products and services, is progressing in its aim to create more transparency in the hospital IT market. The platform provides a European Vendor Directory showing company profiles, up-to-date market data and daily e-health news. It thus provides a unique tool for hospital IT vendors and buyers, such as CEOs and IT…

Experts fear for Europe’s medical engineering

When over 3,000 international experts gathered at the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Munich, Germany to evaluate future trends, they heard that Asia is showing major gains in medical engineering — a field in which computer sciences are a key innovation driver – but that Europe is on the way to innovation leadership in telemedicine and e-health.

UK uproar over US Republican views on NHS

Heat from the burning issue of healthcare reforms in the USA has crossed the Atlantic and is scorching the British public. Could their massive support for their NHS, which has filled Twitter by the minute, help to douse US concepts? Brenda Marsh reports from London

Unfavourable findings on U.S. hospitals

The Leapfrog Group is a U.S. organisation of member companies that pay for healthcare services, e.g. corporations, health insurers and local, state and federal government agencies. Established in 2000, its philosophy is that big 'leaps' in healthcare safety, quality and value to patients will be recognised and rewarded. The organisation mobilises purchasing power of its members, representing over…


DICOM 2009

State of the art IT in a vintage venue: From 2 to 4 July 2009, venerable Waldhausen castle near Mainz, Germany, will host an expert forum on future-oriented developments in medical IT and medical technology in the German-speaking countries. DICOM 2009 is the ideal place to obtain first-hand and hands-on information on the newest trends in RIS and PACS as well as DICOM and IHE standards. Professor…


El reconocimiento de voz es una herramienta estratégica para la HCE a nivel regional

En España se están realizando grandes esfuerzos para poner a disposición de todos los ciudadanos la historia clínica electrónica (HCE) a nivel regional. HealthTech Wire ha realizado una entrevista a Javier Quiles del Río, Jefe del Área Clínica del Servizo de Tecnoloxías da Información e Infraestructuras del Servicio Galego de Saúde, sobre la evolución de la implantación de la HCE en…


Article • Event

The 1st European Symposium on Quality Management and Accreditation in Laboratory Medicine

Organised jointly by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFCC) and the French Society of Clinical Biology (SFBC), the two-day symposium served as a platform to address future strategies to promote accreditation for clinical chemists and all professions in laboratory medicine.


“Health IT is as important as water or electricity”

The Nordic countries have a reputation for being among Europe's avant-garde in the field of digital healthcare solutions. HealthTech Wire talked to Arto Ryymin, executive Vice President of Tieto's healthcare and welfare business, about what the rest of Europe can learn from the Nordic countries and about how health IT companies can support the standardization efforts under way in Europe.


Growing Europe-wide impact of eHealth

The 7th European eHealth conference kicked off on Thursday, February 19,, 2009, with high-profile attendance and a strong determination to bring forward the application of eHealth in the Member States and on a supranational level. Several national health ministers and secretaries of state pledged their clear commitment to further developing eHealth in Europe despite all of the current economic…

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