Laws & regulations


Good grades = good physician?

Above average grades or lots of patience - whoever wants to study medicine in Germany needs at least one of the two. That’s because some 40,000 school graduates apply for just 9,000 places to study medicine every semester. The coveted places are assigned by the central office for university admissions (ZVS): 20% go to the top graduates, 20% are granted on the basis of a waiting list, and 60%…

The end in sight for hospital subsidies

The financing of hospital treatments in Switzerland is particularly complex. The current health insurance law (KVG) has no easy answers. Who covers the cost of treatment differs from district to district, depending on whether a treatment is carried out in a public or private hospital, whether carried out within a resident’s own district, whether out- or in-patient care or whether, or not, the…


Radiology and the Law

The threat of litigation is becoming an increasing area of concern in radiology circles. The changing role of the radiologist with a growing workload and more information now available in imaging examinations, have combined with an expectation of greater accuracy from patients to raise the threat of radiologists being sued. This threat has reached such a level that for the first time, radiology…

US radiologists wake up to risks from high radiation doses

An estimated 70 million CT scans are performed annually in the USA, a threefold increase since 1993. US physicians rely on CT scans and other diagnostic imaging procedures to make accurate and speedy diagnoses and, until recently, they have not questioned the radiation dose exposure the patient receives. However, this attitude is changing, as physicians and other medical professionals realise…

Dalli to start as new Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy

Eucomed, the European Medical Technology Industry Association, is pleased to see that the European Parliament hasvoted in favour of President Barroso’s new Commission team. The association especially looks forward to working with John Dalli, the Commissioner for Health and Consumer Affairs, and his team to address his priorities such as “the development of effective and efficient healthcare…


Olauson receives royal medal in Sweden

Anders Olauson, President of the European Patients’ Forum was awarded with H.M. The King's Medal at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. This prestigious award was presented to Anders for his distinguished commitment in the field of patients rights and his tremendous support for families with young patients in Sweden . The King’s Medal is the second highest award that can be received by a Swedish…


Communicable disease programmes in Europe

One of the main topics at Health Forum Gastein 2009 was the way in which various healthcare systems struggle to cope with communicable diseases and their prevention. During the event, Dr Hans Kluge, Head of the Country Policies and Systems Unit, at the WHO regional office for Europe, spoke with Meike Lerner about omnipresent factors that work against effective TB and HIV/AIDS prevention…

Article • French reform

Obligatory quality management and accreditation in laboratory medicine

Hôpital, Patients, Santé et Territories (HPST), a new hospital reform bill, was passed by the French Government and became law in July 2009. While directly related to hospitals it also places new importance on health from the patients’ perspective outside the hospital. Importantly for laboratory medicine, the act makes accreditation for both public and private laboratories obligatory rather…


Do we need integrated care planning?

In October 2009 this question was posed to German, Swiss, Austrian and northern Italian experts at the European Health Congress. Speaking with Karoline Laarmann, Professor Günter Neubauer, Scientific Director of the European Health Congress, summarised the key features of good medical care and the different care models used in their four countries.


Booking a 2010 holiday?

During a 2nd conference in Germany to focus specifically on medical tourism, about a 100 physicians and representatives from the country’s Department of Economics, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, met in Sankt Augustin to discuss ways to augment their country’s healthcare attractions for international patients, particularly from the Arab and Russian regions.


The future of MRI in Europe - Safetey yes, exposure limits no

The Alliance for MRI aims to ensure that the threat posed by the EU Physical Agents 2004/40/EC (EMF) to the future of MR is averted and that patients in Europe will not be precluded from state-of-the-art healthcare services. In early 2010 the European Parliament and Council will be sent a proposal from the European Commission to amend Directive 2004/40/EC on electromagnetic fields. This revision…


ESR - a major stakeholder in EU health policies

EU legislation could have a huge impact on medical imaging and healthcare, and the European Society of Radiology (ESR) is playing a key role in safeguarding radiologists and patients' interests. By closely monitoring EU affairs and establishing contacts with relevant institutions, as well as consulting and public affairs agencies, the ESR tries to draw the attention of relevant stakeholders and…

Experts fear for Europe’s medical engineering

When over 3,000 international experts gathered at the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Munich, Germany to evaluate future trends, they heard that Asia is showing major gains in medical engineering — a field in which computer sciences are a key innovation driver – but that Europe is on the way to innovation leadership in telemedicine and e-health.

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