Europe’s pressing need for transcultural competence
Patients with a migration background can create underestimated difficulties in healthcare systems in Western countries.
Patients with a migration background can create underestimated difficulties in healthcare systems in Western countries.
The Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS), the largest global organization for regulatory professionals in the healthcare product sector, and Eucomed, the European medical technology industry association, have joined together to provide high-quality online regulatory training to professionals throughout Europe.
Rhe European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR) congratulates the European Commission on its new eHealth Action Plan, entitled ‘Innovative healthcare for the 21st century’ as it provides a comprehensive roadmap for smart and sustainable healthcare in Europe.
On Wednesday, 21 November, the Members of the European Parliament voted in favour of Commissioner-designate Tonio Borg following a period of extensive investigation.
The demand-side markets for medical technology and medicinal products are undergoing changes worldwide and the supply side is providing the right answers with its solutions for high-quality but also economic medical care.
The recent scandal around faulty breast implants from France started it, first the talk about the entire medical devices industry, and then progression towards the monitoring and licensing of products. Report: Brigitte Dinkloh
As the use of Twitter and other social media by physicians and patients rises, more and more physicians seem to forget to do what many consider crucial for building doctor-patient trust: disclose potential conflicts of interest.
R&D is the core strength at Omron Healthcare, a leader in medical and home healthcare products with innovative technologies. At Medica the company is on the hunt for new partners to extend its portfolio and markets.
Wireless networks expert Melih Duran discusses solutions to streamline and optimise patient care.
Significant improvements in the quality and efficiency of healthcare as well as better access to it: that’s what we expect from electronic health records (EHRs). However, their developers have recently suffered a number of setbacks.
The 24th International Symposium of the AACC Critical & Point of Care Testing Division. Report: Michael Reiter
Unstructured workflow’ sounds like a contradiction in terms. Yet, this fresh approach for gathering individual patient records in the Veneto region of Italy is being rapidly adopted across Europe to improve care.
We are used to barcode scanning in supermarkets, our luggage being barcode tagged at airports and much else, yet in healthcare the use of Automatic Identification Data Capture (AI DC) technology – such as barcodes or Radio Frequency Identification (RFI D), is still rather rare, says Christian Hay of GS1* Switzerland.
Procedures, financing and cultural philosophies can shape the difference, Michael Reiter, Mark Nicholls, Eduardo de la Sota, Jane MacDougall report
European doctors and scientists are working on the StrokeBack project, a medical system aimed at supporting stroke patients in their rehabilitation.
As other countries tumble by the wayside, Austria bravely battles on.
If technological innovation, interoperability and quality of information is your purpose, Pisa was the place to be in August.
For many years, MEDICA, the world’s largest medical trade fair, has devoted a special section to healthcare-information technology. In an EH interview, Horst Giesen, Project Director of MEDICA, COMPAMED and REHACARE, spoke of the valuable insight into current medical IT that is offered to exhibition visitors.
Inadequate testing may mean one of the most common healthcare-acquired infections could go undiagnosed.
COCIR applauds the Commission’s courageous move to harmonise the EU’s legal framework on data protection through the adoption of a EU Regulation, as proposed earlier this year. COCIR has today published its position paper on the proposal.
Improving access to care still is a key goal of the Chinese national government.