Essential role of personal data in healthcare

The Healthcare Coalition on Data Protection published a joint statement highlighting the role of personal data in delivering high quality,


This Healthcare Coalition was recently formed and includes several key stakeholders active
in the healthcare and related sectors in Europe.

The Coalition aims to raise awareness of the essential role the processing and sharing of
personal data plays in improving effective, sustainable and innovative healthcare while
supporting health research of significant public interest.

This Coalition is the first initiative of its kind gathering key actors in the health sector,
including physicians, dentists, healthcare providers, medical researchers and healthcare
technology and mobile health providers around one single cause: the need to facilitate
health data processing for health purposes, in a reliable and responsible manner (with the
highest respect for EU citizens’ fundamental right to data protection and privacy). By joining
forces, the Coalition is looking forward to making a positive contribution to the current
debate on the proposed EU Data Protection Regulation in the interests of patients and the
healthcare sector.


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