
Training Modules Now Available

The Ebola virus disease training modules for health care workers developed in collaboration between experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are now available.

This interactive, Web-based learning program, called Ebola Preparedness: PPE Guidelines, is available for free through the CDC’s website. The program trains health care providers in three critical areas: proper donning of personal protective equipment (PPE), the safe removal of gear and active monitoring skills.

Program modules include:

  • Options for wearing different combinations of PPE, allowing health care workers to view training material based on gear outlined in their facility’s specific protocols
  • How to put on, or don, personal protective equipment
  • How to safely remove, or doff, personal protective equipment
  • Monitoring skills used by the designated observer during donning and doffing procedures to help staff avoid possible contamination
  • Effective teamwork skills, such as communication strategies
  • Tips for how to anticipate and mitigate potential contamination risks during the donning and doffing processes

The modules can be accessed online.


Source: Press Release John Hopkins Medicine


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