Data management


PACS aids Czech cancer crusade

The Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (Masarykúv onkologick´y ústav - MOÚ) in is unique in the Czech Republic, for it covers all aspects of cancer care, provides medical training plus public health education, and participates in research. Around 180,000 outpatients and about 7,000 in-patients are treated annually. By Pavel Andres MD, Deputy Director of Medical Preventive Care at the Masaryk…


PACS for Scotland

Kodak Health Group and National Services Scotland recently signed a formal contract, at the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, which officially appointed Kodak as the leading supplier to the Scotland National PACS project.


How to buy a HIS

SALK, a hospital company based in Salzburg, has a budget of €350 million for three hospitals and employs 4,500 people who serve 80,000 patients and 300,000 out-patients per annum.


Biometric authentication

Biometry, or the technical recognition of physical characteristics, is playing an increasingly important role in clinics and hospitals. By Thomas Bengs, Product Manager for Vein, Fujitsu Europe Limited Group

Intelligent messaging

Gothenburg, Sweden - Ascom Wireless Solutions reports on a new Internet Protocol-based messaging platform that can integrate traditional hospital paging with DECT systems and public communications technologies such as GSM, Email and the Internet. Using Linux as its operating system, Unite provides a standard communications protocol to connect different types of applications and hardware modules.…


Wireless at the bedside

Italy - The WardInHand project, which set out to provide a tool for medical teams to access a hospital information system (HIS) from wards, does not replace or compete with existing hospital systems but adds mobility and 'ubiquitous computing' to the HIS, by exchanging information with existing tools and updating clinical data in real time.

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