Intelligent messaging

Gothenburg, Sweden - Ascom Wireless Solutions reports on a new Internet Protocol-based messaging platform that can integrate traditional hospital paging with DECT systems and public communications technologies such as GSM, Email and the Internet. Using Linux as its operating system, Unite provides a standard communications protocol to connect different types of applications and hardware modules.

Called Unite, the system automatically converts messages from any source, for example an equipment alarm or email, in to the format needed by the communications device that the intended recipient uses. Referring to an address database the system finds all contact details associated with a specific user, including email addresses, mobile and office phone numbers and pager IDs. If there is no response to a pager message within a given timeframe, Unite then tries another address until contact is made. However, if a message cannot be delivered to the intended recipient, it can be automatically re-routed to another addressee, based on predefined rules.
Hospitals can create automated responses reflecting their standard procedures so that staff can react quicker to time-sensitive messages, for example, a nurse receiving an alarm from a heart monitor on a pager or cordless phone has options such as alerting the resuscitation team, ordering emergency drugs or obtaining help from other nurses, to ensure no treatment time is lost.
Unite can also interface with clinical systems such as HIS, LIS, PACS and RIS as well as business, accounting, building management and security systems.

All applications linking to the Unite platform are managed centrally by the Enhanced System Services (ESS) platform. ESS enables Unite systems to be configured remotely via the Internet using a standard web-browser.  

Unite will be available from September 2004. Unite modules currently available include the MailGate email server, NetPage for web-to-pager messaging, Alarm Management Server, and Open Access Toolkit for creating customised applications. The manufacturer reports that Unite integrates seamlessly with existing Ascom messaging solutions such as teleCOURIER on-site paging, teleCARE nurse call and the Ascom 9d cordless telephony solution.

Ascom Wireless Solutions, which specialises in customised on-site wireless communications for healthcare, manufacturing and process industries, has installed over 30,000 systems for healthcare institutions across Western Europe.


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