The 27th Annual Convention of the German Society for Senology
21-23 June 2007 Lübeck
Congress President Professor Juergen Dunst MD praises major advances and multidisciplinary efforts, and outlines future hopes for breast cancer patients

“Breast cancer plays a key role in oncology and health policy. It is the most common malignancy in women and an important cause of death and severe illness. Over the past 30 years, some major improvements have markedly changed the face of breast cancer. Major advances have been achieved in terms of early detection and screening programmes, improved pre-operative diagnostics, breast-preserving therapies, adjuvant systemic therapy and palliative treatment. In summary, these advances have markedly improved the long-term cure rate (from under 20% in the 1950s to over 50% in 2000), prolonged life, reduced treatment morbidity and increased quality of life.
Currently, breast cancer is an exciting field of basic and clinical research. A broad spectrum of research will, hopefully in the near future, bring modern and advanced diagnostic and therapeutic concepts into the clinic. These technologies include detection of isolated tumour cells in bone marrow and blood, individualised local therapies, systemic treatment based on molecular diagnostic tools and a variety of new drugs. Breast cancer was one of the first diseases that could be effectively treated by molecular therapies (e.g. the Her-2-neu antibody trastuzumab).
A major challenge in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer is the fact that these involve a variety of medical disciplines. This has led to the formation of specialised breast centres that bring together a large number of specialists, improve the multidisciplinary approach and provide high quality standards in all fields of care. Thus the development of breast centres set an example for other fields of multidisciplinary oncology.
The Annual Meeting of the German Society for Senology, with about 2,000 national and international participants, is one of the largest multidisciplinary cancer meetings held in Germany. The scientific programme reflects the manifold aspects of research and care in breast cancer and gives an overview over upcoming technologies and concepts.”
* Congress details: