Tomosynthesis • FUJIFILM Healthcare Europe GmbH
Fujifilm · Amulet Innovality Harmony
Pixel output: 50 μm
Scan angle: 40°
Scan time: 4 s

In addition to Amulet Innovality features, Harmony comes with:
- Comfort Compression which allows to reduce compression after reaching the target compression, this is recognised as being significantly less painful compared to normal compression.
- New iterative reconstruction, with new level of synthetic 2D image (S-View+) – corrected for low noise and better visibility of details;
- Dynamic Visualisation II a dynamic image processing with advanced options like fine structure correction FSC;
- Tomosynthesis biopsy, vertical and lateral approach
- CEDM; energy subtraction for mammography
- Dual angle tomosynthesis for dose efficient with maximum diagnostic performance.
Harmony artwork has been designed by Émilie Cardinale.