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A real time saver at the highest level of molecular diagnostics – the eazyplex® platform!
Molecular Diagnostics made eazy! That is the best way to describe the really smart eazyplex® system.
This platform enables you to perform high class molecular diagnostics at an unbelievable speed. All assay run times are as short as 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the sample material. The lyophilised reactions are shippable and storable at room temperature and ready to use, with a shelf life of 18 month. Due to the robustness of the polymerase you don’t need any DNA extraction. The hands-on-time of app. 5min for the setup of the run is generously calculated.
This awesome platform includes diagnostic kits for a very interesting range of resistances in the field of MREs and MRSA. But also other hygiene relevant parameters like Clostridium difficile and VRE are targets of interest in the eazyplex® world.
The very first kit with this new real-time platform based on an isothermal amplification was the eazyplex® SuperBug CRE kit. This assay helps laboratories all over Europe to find or confirm carbapenemases and ESBLs within 15 to 20 min. This is interesting from plate, swab and urine, but can be lifesaving from positive blood culture. Consequently many other interesting resistances, like the ones for A. baumannii, mcr-1 and the AmpC enzymes, found their practical application in the eazyplex® SuperBug assay family.

Although AmplexDiagnostics is known since 2002 as a specialist in developing trendsetting diagnostics in the range of resistances in the MRE setting, they didn’t forget other fields of clinical microbiology. That is why the portfolio of the eazyplex® platform includes such beneficial array panels like the one for the diagnostics of meningitis direct from CSF. With these test kits you get the information of the most relevant viral and/or bacterial pathogens causing meningitis in 30 min.

The same advantage holds true for the eazyplex® StrepB assay evaluated for direct clinical samples to get the information of a vaginal StrepB colonisation within 17 min. That means eazyplex® is a decision-making support for antibiotic treatment even if the labour already started.
The still growing portfolio of the eazyplex® assay panel gives you the freedom to get answers to many daily questions in the routine diagnostics with one operational procedure. And since all test set ups follow the same rules and are so eazy to perform, the system is an optimal 24/7 support for your highly flexible laboratory.
This platform concept, the low initial investment and the intelligent choice of parameters result in a very reasonable diagnostic. Invest some minutes at the ECCMID in Madrid and visit us at our booth No 26 and save lots of time in your daily diagnostics.
Or visit us at our webpage www.eazyplex.com