Immunoassays • Beckman Coulter Diagnostics
Beckman Coulter · Access High Sensitivity Troponin I (hsTnI)

The Access hsTnI assay provides the advanced diagnostic capabilities necessary to aid physicians in diagnosing at risk patients for acute myocardial infarction earlier and discharging non-acute patients faster.
In comparison to standard troponin assays, high-sensitivity assays demonstrate significantly improved precision at and below the 99th percentile upper reference limit (URL), allowing better discrimination of small differences in troponin values between serial measurements.
- Aids in rapid diagnosis of AMI and confidently excludes AMI in as little as one hour after patient presentation
- Provides optimal precision at concentrations about 10x lower than previous generation troponin assays. Improved precision at the clinical cutoff reduces chance of misclassifying patients in the Emergency Department