

seca at MEDICA 2008: Mobility & Precision

What is the nutritional status of the populace? In particular, how healthy are our children? These issues and similar ones constitute the current work focus of numerous scientists, who are in the process of developing preventative health programmes based on the current results of research. Documenting the nutritional status of the participants is crucial in such studies.


Eat for goals

The UEFA and the World Heart Federation, with the support of the European Commission, today launched the children's cookery book, "Eat for Goals!". Its message of a healthy lifestyle is conveyed by a multicultural group of 13 internationally renowned male and female football players, who share what they love to eat and give recipes for their favourite dishes.


Typ 2 Diabetes: Is low cholesterol associated with cancer?

Yes, it is, according to a prospective cohort study published in CMAJ. The study was conducted by researchers from the Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Science and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Their result: A V-shaped risk relation between LDL cholesterol and cancer in patients not receiving statin therapy.


Better diabetes care for the UK

Good news for diabetes patients in the UK: According to a report published recently by the Department of Health, diabetes care in the NHS is improving and focusing more on prevention. The result: More patients have been identified, and in more people at risk development of the condition could be prevented.


Tablets for the people?

Last week the English government closed its consultation on the effectiveness of vascular checks for high-risk people aged 40-74. Would this help? Experts from New Zealand and the WHO say "yes". Others argue that public health approaches targeting the whole population are both: cheaper and more effective than tablets.


Gastric bypass undoes diabetes symptoms

French findings support the notion that gastric bypass can rapidly reverse diabetes symptoms' a side-effect that lap-band surgery does not show. The benefit results from a new-found element of glucose production by the intestine which also increases insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar.


Childhood obesity

Recent studies have shown that overweight and obesity during childhood and adolescence have a negative impact on the functioning of the internal walls of the arteries, paving the way to the development of an arteriosclerotic disease from an increasingly early age.


New marker for diabetes

This week not only one but rather two studies report about a new and independent marker that is associated with type 2 diabetes. The protein that is called fetuin-A is produced in the liver and secreted to the blood stream also indicates a higher risk of developing diabetes disease.


Morbid obesity in Europe

Prevalence of adult obesity has increased three-fold since 1990. The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased ten times since 1970. In Europe, almost 50% of adults and over 20% of children are overweight. A third of these are obese. Conservative estimates show that, in Europe, about 100 million adults and 10 million children are obese. Obesity is accountable for c. one million deaths…


Obese patients in radiology - XXL challenges

Radiological services and equipment are not yet adapted to obese patients. The accuracy of current MRI, CT and Ultrasound is hindered by subcutaneous and intraabdominal fat. These modalities are crucial in diagnosing pathologies associated with obesity, including heart-related disease. Optimising imaging modalities will be a major challenge for radiology.


Successful weight control via Text Messaging

A highly innovative scheme to use mobile technology to obtain a patients weight has proved success in Hammersmith & Fulham PCT. The recent scheme found that by using iPLATO Patient Care Messaging to request a patient's weight via text message, the patient's medical record could be updated quickly and efficiently with a current body mass index (BMI) reading.


Type 2 diabetes driving epidemic

Type 2 diabetes poses one of the greatest public health threats of the 21st century. The majority of the western world is in the grips of a diabetes epidemic driven by type 2 diabetes that goes hand in hand with the escalating incidence of obesity. Alarmingly, in some working class and poor communities, the disease is so prevalent that its victims almost take it as a matter of course.


seca GmbH has launched its newly designed website. Customers can new select a country to gain information in their own language (wherever possible), and then view three product categories - medical, specialist and private, each containing information already available in seca's printed catalogue. Downloadable user manuals and product specifications are also available.


Seca presents lightweight scale for those on the road

Healthworkers, public health system staff and nutritionists look after patients in their homes. It is important that these carers have a robust, durable scale to determine the exact weight of their patients. A scale which is also easy to transport. With the floor scale seca 876, seca gmbh & co. kg., Hamburg, has designed a model which is the ideal solution for mobile use. At only 3.5 kg, it is a…

Precise weighing can save lives!

For diagnostic and treatment purposes it is often crucial to obtain a clear picture of a patient's nutritional status. Once the body mass index (BMI) has been determined, further steps for a successful therapy can be initiated and the medication dose can be adjusted to underweight, overweight or normal-weight patients.

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