Smiths Medical wins US$3.4 million contract

USA - The 898-bed Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston - Harvard Medical School's biggest teaching hospital - has awarded a $3.4 million contract for 1,365 syringe pumps to Smiths Medical

Photo: Smiths Medical wins US$3.4 million contract

The Medfusion 3500 syringe pumps, with PharmGuard Medication Safety Software, is the most recent innovation in Smiths Medical’s infusion technology. ‘This is a leading-edge infusion system that incorporates specific configuration profiles, a drug library composed of more than 4,000 entries, over 100 dosing units and safety dose limits on all infusion parameters to help reduce medication errors that may otherwise occur,’ Smiths reports. ‘The smart pump’s rapid occlusion detection technology with FlowSentry offers a comprehensive array of pressure-related safety features. Its graphic display of pressure trend allows for earlier clinical intervention.
The Medfusion 3500 syringe pump imports and exports data and protocols and may be adapted and customised to interface with bedside environment.  Its PharmGuard safety reports provide valuable information required for improved processes and medication delivery practices in the critical care environment.’

Ellen Kinnealy RN, at MGH Biomedical Engineering, said that the use of smart pumps, which contain vital information about specific medications, has enabled the hospital to make significant advances in the capability and safety of intravenous drug infusion systems. ‘This technology is an important way to prevent errors and enhance clinical care. In fact, it could help raise the standard of medical care throughout the country.’


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