Surgical Flat Panel C-Arms • FUJIFILM Healthcare Europe GmbH
Fujifilm · FDX Visionary-C and CS
Power: 5-20kW
Detector: Csl
Pixel size: 154 - 205µm

- Advanced C-arm Fluoroscopy solutions engineered for fast, precise positioning and advanced image quality
- FDX Visionary-CS’s compact all-in one design and built in large 27" landscape monitor allows improved access in smaller rooms
- FDX Visionary-C’s perfectly balanced lightweight C-arm and dual 21.5" touchscreen monitor cart provides fast accurate positioning and ultrasharp image viewing
- 21 × 21cm and 30 × 30 cm amorphous Silicon (aSi) flat panel detectors provide ultra-low dose fluoroscopy
- Featuring a removable grid and dedicated ‘radiography mode’ for high quality still imaging