
E-health advances in Austria

Like many others, Austria is in the process of introducing electronic patients’ records (EPRs) for use in and by all healthcare facilities. After a drawn out preparation phase, a company was founded to implement the project and ELGA (Elektronische Gesundheitsakte) is underway. ‘E-health will come, step by step, but inexorably’, said Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger.


Radiology and Management

Professor Jörg F. Debatin, MD MBA, Medical Director and Chairman of the Board of University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) opened the session with his presentation “The role of radiology in the strategic planning of medical centres”. He discussed possibilities to effectively explore the hidden potential of diagnostic radiology services.


Twitter in the operating theater

In 2009, a handful of hospitals began to use Twitter to promote live surgeries. Broadcasts of surgical procedures using the Internet has proliferated with the almost universal availability of high-speed Internet, which makes streaming video possible. YouTube contains dozens of surgical procedures. There is even a website,, dedicated to live broadcasts and videos of surgeries…


“Get Serious” needs your support

Now firmly established within the social media world - with over 10,000 Facebook fans, over 2,500 followers on Twitter, and many more supporters across other sites - we need our online supporters to help with our 'Get Serious' campaign.


World of Health IT 2010

The World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition (WoHIT) 2010 will for the first time be held in conjunction with the European Union’s annual High Level eHealth Conference and is being organised by the European Commission, HIMSS Europe, the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Policy, the Regional Government of Catalonia and Foundation TicSalut.



Many years ago, five self-made millionaires were interviewed about their work. The last question posed was: ‘Is there one thing to which you could attribute your enormous success?’ Without hesitation, four answered: ‘Energy!’ The fifth quipped, ‘Luck’. By the law of averages energy is thus a vital ingredient. However, there are many other essential assets and luck is the least of them.


ESR - a major stakeholder in EU health policies

EU legislation could have a huge impact on medical imaging and healthcare, and the European Society of Radiology (ESR) is playing a key role in safeguarding radiologists and patients' interests. By closely monitoring EU affairs and establishing contacts with relevant institutions, as well as consulting and public affairs agencies, the ESR tries to draw the attention of relevant stakeholders and…

Experts fear for Europe’s medical engineering

When over 3,000 international experts gathered at the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Munich, Germany to evaluate future trends, they heard that Asia is showing major gains in medical engineering — a field in which computer sciences are a key innovation driver – but that Europe is on the way to innovation leadership in telemedicine and e-health.


Cutting costs with medical technology

Medical technology innovation, often viewed as a cost-driver can also be the key to cost-cutting in healthcare while at the same time improve the health outcome for patients. This was the core message of an experts' panel organised by the European Health Technology Institute for Socio-Economic Research (EHTI) at the European Health Forum Gastein.


Barco advance the frontiers of telemedicine

MultiSense Communications, a medical conferencing solutions provider based in High Wycombe, UK, in conjunction with medical imaging specialist Barco, recently demonstrated the clinical benefits of today's telemedicine systems. During a live open heart surgery operation at the Imperial College Hospital in Hammersmith, UK, an entire heart valve repair procedure was captured and transmitted to a…

Outsourcing of healthcare IT promotes all-round benefits

As the modern enterprise seeks to focus ever more narrowly on its core activities, IT outsourcing services are increasingly being considered as a business strategy. The changing demands and trends in healthcare are forcing healthcare organisations to acknowledge the increasing role that outsourcing can play in improving effectiveness, competitiveness, and IT expertise as well as in reducing…


Carestream Health with new PACS project in Belgium

Carestream Health has won three contracts for Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) to view, manage and store digital mammography images for healthcare initiatives in the French-speaking region of Belgium. The PACS will meet the needs of a regional programme for mammography screening, an extended provincial programme for mammography screening within a mobile environment and a…

Internetplattform - ideal für Ärzte und Patienten

Vom einstigen Förderprojekt und Bestandteil der Initiative hat sich das Informationsportal zur deutschlandweit führenden Anlaufstelle rund um die Telemedizin entwickelt. Die von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Telemedizin ideell unterstützte Plattform richtet sich an Ärzte und Patienten mit Interesse an neuen Behandlungsoptionen ebenso wie an Dienstleister in…

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