The 2008 European Health Forum Award

27 EU countries were represented in at least one of the eight short-listed entries for this award.

Photo: The 2008 European Health Forum Award

The prize was won for an Eire/Northern Ireland cross border project aimed at improving the care of kidney patients in rural areas. Renal units in six hospitals in the Irish border region are working together to share expertise and information in the treatment and care of these patients. The winning project was developed with funding secured by CAWT, the cross border health services partnership, from the EU’s INTERREG IIIA programme.

Dr Peter Garrett, Project Board Chair and Lead Consultant with the Renal Unit of the Western Health and Social Care Trust (Western Trust) said that, although delighted and honoured by the award, it was not an ending to this project, but a ‘powerful springboard to enable us to advance our work further still.’

Dr Garrett received the award along with Dr Kieran Hannan (right) of Cavan General Hospital, Ireland.


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