MRSA outbreaks cost a fortune
A new test gives reliable results in just 75 minutes, speeding up combat actions. Since Methicillin-resistant staphy lococcus aureus (MRSA) has developed resistance to antibiotic treatments, infections have become a dreaded occurrence in hospitals worldwide.

According to one report*, an MRSA infection results in additional costs of €1,600 euros a day and hospital stays can be extended by seven days, pushing total costs to between €5,000-10,000.
Developed by Greiner Bio-One with Amplex Diagnostics (Germany), the genspeed MRSA Test is a DNAbased in-vitro diagnostic tool for qualitative detection of MRSA from human nasal and throat swabs. The system’s main advantage is speed combined with reliable results, the manufacturer reports. ‘The result is available only 75 minutes after sampling. In addition to low-throughput applications, Genspeed MRSA can also be used in facilities that analyse large numbers of tests. In this case, Genspeed MRSA serves as a fast and reliable tool for night and weekend shifts, when only part of the staff is present.’
The system consists of the Test Kit, a PCR cycler, the Genspeed Reader and the software, which is pre-installed on a laptop. ‘In addition to speed, the test system also scores points for its high sensitivity, allowing the complete detection of the main mechanisms of resistance as well as the new resistance gene mecC (previously called mecAlGA251),’ the maker reports. ‘Analyses of individual samples are possible at any time. Three controls (for DNA amplification, hybridisation, as well as a negative control) on the Test Chip offer greater reliability.
‘Due to its compactness and relatively ease of use, there are no costs for maintenance and support. Particular emphasis was placed on simple and functional design of the software. The individual analytical steps are well structured and intuitive. Pre-filled and ready-touse supply of the reagents reduces the number of process steps to a minimum,’ and, the firm adds: ‘The system can be quickly adapted to different diagnostic applications without much effort.’
* HTA Report 100, DIMDI, medical efficacy and costeffectiveness of preventive and control measures against MRSA infections in hospital