Coolidge Award 2009

For the 16th year in a row, the innovation prize for radiological diagnostics was awarded by GE Healthcare at this year's Radiology Congress in Berlin. The prize comes with a research budget worth EUR 15,000 and is for young radiologists whose scientific work is opening up new horizons in the field of radiology.

From left to right: Dr. Erik Penner, GE Healthcare, MR Research & Cardiac...
From left to right: Dr. Erik Penner, GE Healthcare, MR Research & Cardiac Projects Central Europe; Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Lackner, director of the institute and polyclinic for radiological diagnostics, university hospital Cologne; Dr. med. Henning Bovenschulte, university hospital Cologne; Professor Dr. med. Uwe Fischer, diagnostic breast center Göttingen; Dr. Rolf Lucas, president & CEO GE Healthcare Germany

This year’s winner is Dr. Henning Bovenschulte of the University Hospital in Cologne. He impressed the independent panel of judges, which comprised four renowned professors from the disciplines of radiology, neuro-radiology and nuclear medicine, with his scientific work:
“The non-invasive documentation of the hemodynamic relevance of coronary arterial stenoses through CT-assisted indirect flow measurements - from in vitro models and animal testing to clinical application.”

The award comes with a research budget worth Euro 15,000, which will benefit the Institute and Outpatient Department for Radiology Diagnostics at the University Hospital in Cologne. Dr. Bovenschulte was honored at an official ceremony on May 21st, 2009. Professor Uwe Fischer, from the Diagnostic Breast Center in Göttingen, delivered the commendation speech.

Why the Coolidge Award?
With the Coolidge Award, GE Healthcare is reviving the memory of a scientist who is not very well known in Europe. William D. Coolidge began his career as a doctor of philosophy, achieving his doctorate in Leipzig, and made a considerable contribution to the field of imaging radiology with his life's work. Of particular note are his services to the development of X-ray tubes and his role as Head of the GE Research Laboratory in Schenectady, USA.

Coolidge Award 2010
GE Healthcare is continuing the tradition and offering the Coolidge Award once again in 2010. The competition is open to all radiologists and scientists working in the field of radiology under the age of 38. The subject of the submitted study can relate to any aspect of radiological imaging diagnostics. Key criteria for the evaluation include the project’s scientific importance, its originality and the clarity of the work.


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