Celiac test kits match multi-centre study demands

The results of the recent Multi-Centre Celiac Serology Study undertaken to define the optimal serological screening approach to Celiac Disease clearly showed that dual or combined isotype (IgA+IgG) transglutaminase screening can be advocated as a sensitive and specific alternative to endomysial antibody testing in the assessment of Celiac Disease.

The manufacturer Aesku Diagnotics reports that its AESKULISA tTg ELISA kits ‘performed excellently’, and the AESKULISA Celicheck was ‘even placed first as the best dual isotype transglutaminase kit of all assays tested.’ The Elisa kits have a unique composition, the firm explains. ‘Human recombinant tissue transglutaminase is cross-linked with gliadin-specific peptides resulting in the creation of neo-epitopes of tTg. The tests are highly specific as no cross-reactions with gliadin occur.’
* The FDA has approved the improved Aeskulisa tTg IgA and tTg IgG tests for the detection of tissue transglutaminase (tTg) antibodies.


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