Company acquisition

GE Healthcare has acquired Dynamic Imaging LLC, which specialises in Web-based image and information management.

GE reports that the acquisition will add IntegradWeb suite products to its IT list, which provides  for healthcare areas such as hospital integrated delivery networks (IDNs), community hospitals, out-patient imaging centers, radiology group practices and general practitioner (GP) surgeries.
Don Woodlock, vice president and global general manager, of Imaging Solutions at GE Healthcare said: ‘Dynamic Imaging has a strong track record of innovation and a family of top-rated products that are highly complementary to our existing offering. Their research and development team is equally impressive.’
Alex Jurovitsky, CEO of Dynamic Imaging, added: ‘Dynamic Imaging, through its IntegradWeb product lines, has proven to be quite adept at addressing the industry’s clinical challenges, across all industry segments. The simplicity and power of our Web-based Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) and integrated RIS/PACS, combined with GE’s broad suite of IT offerings, will redefine the market’s expectation for complete interpretive and review access, by any authorised user, of any imaging study, anytime, anywhere. Applying the capabilities of IntegradWeb to GE’s PACS offerings, the newfound flexibility for radiologists and referring physicians worldwide… will be simply astounding.


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