
PACS for Scotland

Kodak Health Group and National Services Scotland recently signed a formal contract, at the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, which officially appointed Kodak as the leading supplier to the Scotland National PACS project.

Major order

The largest European service contract in the hospital sector, worth around €60 million, was recently awarded, by the Charité Hospital in Berlin, to Vamed, the Austrian hospital specialist. The project includes the out-sourcing of non-medical service areas.



The 15th international healthcare exhibition from 25 to 28 May in Bologna, Italy has expand up to 25,000 sq.m and 20,000 visitors.


Healthcare service is an `export´ business

Germany - Health Care Export, a new four-year project run by the Institute for Work and Technology (IWT) and the Sozial- und Seniorenwirtschaftszentrum in Gelsenkirchen, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, and by advertising and public relations measures from VVA Health Marketing Ltd, aims to develop international standards for international healthcare service…


Biometric authentication

Biometry, or the technical recognition of physical characteristics, is playing an increasingly important role in clinics and hospitals. By Thomas Bengs, Product Manager for Vein, Fujitsu Europe Limited Group


Financing methods

Over the last 50 years healthcare delivery has changed dramatically. New epidemics, aging populations, patients' expectations, mobilisation of populations, the globalisation and dissemination of information, all demand new patterns of healthcare delivery.


The Imaging Science Institute

The Imaging Science Institute (ISI) — officially opened in December by Professor Werner Bautz, Director of the Institute of Radiology at the University Hospital Erlangen and Professor Erich R Reinhardt, member of the board at Siemens AG and chairman of the divisional board at Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen) — is the third institute (after Berlin and Tubingen) in which Siemens is…

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