
Work analysis

The problem is ubiquitous: Due to their workload, medical teams cannot accomplish their tasks to everyone’s satisfaction during regular working hours. Is the solution to raise staffing levels? More politics? At a political level a framework could be created but its actual implementation must occur within a facility, because that is where work schedules are drawn up, writes Denise Hennig,…


HF shower to treat pain and depression

In the first six months of 2004, over 17,000 people sought help and advice from the German Pain Union (Deutsche Schmerzliga), which demonstrates the high number of people, in Germany alone, who have failed to find a therapy that can alleviate recurrent or chronic pains


Quick change lancets

Although taking a tiny blood sample for self-monitoring should be as easy as possible for the diabetic patient, this has not been an easy task because changing a used lancet has proved a fiddly and often daunting job.


Christiane Reimann Prize

Switzerland - Dr Margretta Madden Styles, a nurse-scholar recognised as an international leader in nursing education, regulation and credentialing, is to be presented with the Christiane Reimann Prize at the International Council of Nurses Congress in Taiwan, this May.


The silver anniversary of the ISICEM

The 25th International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, to be held at the Congress Centre in Brussels, will see us celebrate our Silver Anniversary, when we will reflect on 25 years of meetings that have encouraged the presentation, discussion, and debate of intensive care medicine, and when we also look forward to what the next 25 years may bring.

Hot topic: The Architecture of Hospitals

Between 13-15 April 2005, at University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands, 100 top scientists will discuss concepts and advances in designs for healthcare institutions Hospitals stand out through their scale, the large number of people treated and nursed, impressive staffing levels, and the coming and going of visitors. Hospital locations vary considerably:

Virtual visits with neonates

Although parents are allowed in neonate ICU units, family members and friends are barred. To meet this need, Innsbruck Medical University recently launched the project 'Babywatch' in its neonatology ICU.


River shifts for a streamlined hospital

Austria - A new hospital is rarely a groundbreaking enterprise for urban planners and engineers. Recently, however, a whole river had to be re-routed to make way for a new medical centre at Klagenfurt, capital of Bundesland Carinthia.


Wireless at the bedside

Italy - The WardInHand project, which set out to provide a tool for medical teams to access a hospital information system (HIS) from wards, does not replace or compete with existing hospital systems but adds mobility and 'ubiquitous computing' to the HIS, by exchanging information with existing tools and updating clinical data in real time.

Fraud and corruption conference

18-19 October 2004 -The first conference to focus on tackling fraud and corruption in EU healthcare is being organised by the NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service (CFSMS), and partner organisations from five other EU countries, having secured funding from AGIS, an EU Commission programme to help EU member states co-operate in criminal matters.


Hospital quality reports

Professor Matthias Schrappe, Chairman of the Gesellschaft für Qualitätsmanagement in der Gesundheitsversorgung e.V. GQMG - (Association for Quality Management in Healthcare) and Medical Director of the Philipps University Clinic, Marburg, Germany, discussed quality management issues during an interview with Denise Hennig, of European Hospital


40,000 mobile theatre operations

UK - Launching the “world's most advanced mobile operating theatre”, at the annual scientific meeting of the British Association of Day Surgery, Gary King, Managing Director of Vanguard Healthcare predicted that, as from January 2004, over 40,000 NHS operations will be carried out in mobile theatres.

Insurers balk at medical risk cover

As in the United States, European hospitals now face an inevitable result from escalating compensation payments made to medical injury patients - in the near future, premiums are expected to rise 25-100% in some EU countries.


Watercone - the winner

Stephan Augustin (36), a Munich-based industrial designer, has scooped the international iF Design Award for his 'Watercone'.

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