

Article • Diagnostic imaging


Ultrasound imaging is primarily known from prenatal care, but sonography is also used in many other places: it is just as indispensable for examining the thyroid and abdomen as it is in cardiology. Read all about application examples, new technology and more.


Article • In-depth

Focus on digital pathology

Digital pathology opens up a whole new world of possibilities in diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction of diseases. Keep up-to-date with the latest research news, medical applications, and background information on digital pathology.


Article • Infection prevention

Hygiene: far more than just hand washing

Hand washing and disinfection are among the most important measures to prevent infections with viruses or bacteria. However, an important aspect of hygiene in the clinical environment is also the sterile reprocessing of instruments. Read more about effective hygiene measures and new findings – especially in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic.

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