Shaping the advancement of healthcare
Our mission at the Sysmex Corporation is defined very clearly in our corporate policy: in all that we do, our focus must be on Shaping the Advancement of Healthcare. Of course, there are a million mission statements out there, with all underlying companies claiming that they will change the world in which they operate. Words can come cheap. But not at Sysmex. By the simple fact that we are the global leaders in haematology, by the diversity of products we offer as shown throughout this book, and by our ongoing focus on knowledge and its dissemination through our global support network, we are proud in knowing that we are true to our word. We know that we demonstrate that Shaping the Advancement of Healthcare really is our daily bread and butter. And that, in the end, patients around the world benefit.

Strength through focus
Sysmex Europe has affiliates and distributors in some 25 countries around the European continent, in the Middle East and in Africa. We are by no means the largest company in the healthcare sector Ð yet as mentioned above, we have already achieved so much. Our formula is as simple as it is effective: ensuring we have a clear focus. As the saying goes, one should only fight the battles one can win, and this is exactly what we do. Where we can make our mission come true, and where we can therefore ensure improvements occur in our areas of expertise, we hone our focus to address issues at hand, solve them, and make them available. It's effective and efficient, and does not demand an overly large and unwieldy backbone in terms of the administrative organisation. It has and is proving a strong recipe for success.
Knowledge is the key
Advancing healthcare means solving issues, and our backbone lies in our fundamental knowledge of the problems at hand in healthcare. From our headquarters in Kobe, Japan, and from our regional headquarters just north of Hamburg, we drive our knowledge development and research to address the issues we identify and subsequently distribute what we have learned and how this can be implemented through our sales channels, and to our best-in-class support network. To ensure our sales staff and product specialists are up-to-date, we have private Academies at strategic locations that train both our staff and in some cases our clients. The result is that our clients - you - always benefit from insights and support that will truly make your job easier and more effective.
Core business and new areas of expertise
As mentioned, the formula above has taken us to a place where we can proudly call ourselves the global leaders in haematology. In 2011, we introduced our XN-Series, which has since expanded to become a true XN Family. The XN consolidated our position as market leaders, and with the said expansion of the XN Family, we are now delivering the sum of our knowledge in haematology across all market segments for all labs that want only the best.
As this book demonstrates, however, we are far more than 'just' a haematology company. In recent months we introduced a brand new series of solutions for urinalysis known as the U-Next Series. The new products provide a fully automated workflow from sample entry to morphology. In haemostasis, another of our historical strengths, we continue to demonstrate our Power of Three, where we combine best-in-class reagents and analysers.
An overflow of knowledge
Newer areas of expertise are found in what can loosely be defined as cancer management, or oncology. Our drive to drive change was reflected by the acquisition of flow cytometry pioneers Partec in 2013. The tight overlap between our haematology expertise and flow cytometry is allowing our knowledge to bleed over into wider applications of our core technology and so to address the issues found in a wider range of related disciplines. Please check our website if you are interested in staying abreast of developments.
You will find further demonstrations of our devotion to solving problems in this book with our 3DHistech entries, also related to cancer and population screening as a whole. For more information about our full portfolio, you need just to visit our website on www.sysmex-europe.com.
We're not ordinary
Sysmex is no ordinary company. Thanks to our drive to shape the advancement of healthcare, the subsequent application of our knowledge and teamwork throughout our stakeholders and network, and the production of products that truly address issues at hand, we are making a genuinely significant impact in the way in which laboratories do business. Helping you solve problems that were previously unaddressed, and so in turn helping you to better serve your clients. Not just in haematology, but in all business areas we touch.
Of course, when all is said and done, it's about the patients. And that is the ultimate motivator to keep us on track. Sysmex is about one thing and one thing only. Shaping the Advancement of Healthcare.