LIFE Nutrition founded

New manufacturing plant of Braun Meslungen AG

B. Braun Melsungen AG laid the foundation stone for a new manufacturing plant for production and development in nutrition solutions. The new production site includes a research lab and costs around 190 million Euro. In the future 270 employees will work on innovative denouements for the world market.

Webcam Picture of the LIFE Nutrition works Pfieffewiesen
Webcam Picture of the LIFE Nutrition works Pfieffewiesen
During the official ceremony Chairman Prof. Dr. h. c. Ludwig Georg Braun emphasised the significance of this investment for the whole company. “LIFE nutrition will further strengthen our position as a provider of innovative nutrition solutions. The major investment in Germany play a part in contributing to satisfy the requirements of a fast changing world market.”
The LIFE Nutrition manufacturing plant in Melsungen ist part of a large-scale project in order to expedite the development and production of nutrition solutions. The results of 8 sub-projects flow together here including the sections pharmaceutical development, sterilisation, bag productio and development of package. “Of particular importance is the collateral workflow of the projects so that the results can effect the others and let the whole be a success,” says Dr. Meinrad Lugan, member of the board and responsible for the Hospital Care section. “That’s a total new thing at B.Braun.”
Two lines of bag production will grow out of LIFE Nutrition: The bags are used for clinical nutrition and are filled up with amino acid solutions, carbohydrate solutions or fat emulsions. Therefore three types of bags are applied. For one thing bags with two or three cabins which are conjoined with thin stitches are produced. When you press the bag the fluids diffuse. For another thing so called mono bags can be used for the nutrients. These settlers with only one cabin are of different size.
LIFE Nutrition is part of an international investment program in the amount of 1,4 mrd. Euro worldwide. By half of the fund allocates into investment projects at the company’s German locations, about 360 mio. Euro into new and extending buildings in Melsungen.


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