Indispensible in many medical specialties – the seca mBCA

Until now doctors had to use complex methods to get an accurate picture of a patient's body composition. The seca mBCA simplifies that complicated technology and after less than 20 seconds, it delivers all medically relevant data.

Photo: Indispensible in many medical specialties – the seca mBCA

The seca mBCA is the first body composition analysis device in the world that has been validated against the scientific gold standard in four international studies. By using bioelectrical impedance analysis, the seca mBCA ascertains the body's fat and muscle mass and water. Six analytical modules present the measurements in a user-friendly format and offer a precise analysis of body composition that is indispensible in many medical specialties. Alarming developments can be recognized early.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus Type II, which frequently involves obesity, the doctor can use fat mass as measured by the seca mBCA to calculate energy stores and the patient's total energy expenditure per day. These values are the foundation for a dietary plan to lose weight. The seca mBCA can also determine the success of treatment designed to reduce fat mass and simultaneously increase muscle mass.
The analysis of fat-free mass can assist the doctor with early detection of ischemic edema caused by circulatory disorders.

The seca mBCA provides not only the fast, medically relevant measurement of total body water but also the breakdown into extracellular and intracellular water. The doctor can also keep an eye on the patient's fluid level, fat mass, fat-free mass, skeletal muscle mass and lean body mass. Malnutrition is a significant factor for high mortality risk in cases of kidney insufficiency. "The right fat and muscle mass ratios are vitally important for our dialysis patients," said Dr. Hans-H. Neumayer, Director of the Clinical Center for Nephrology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Nutritional medicine
Both obesity and malnutrition are accompanied by a change in body composition that the treating physician can detect in early stages with the help of the seca mBCA. As the seca mBCA distinguishes, for example, between excess fluid, cachexia and a lean constitution, malnutrition can be reliably diagnosed early. In obesity therapy the seca mBCA closely monitors the success of treatment. At a glance medical personnel can see whether the therapy goal – fat reduction and muscle increase - has been achieved. The information also motivates the patient because he can see that his body composition is changing for the better even when his weight hits a plateau.


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