Giving patients a say in vascular conditions research

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News • Vascular PSP survey

Giving patients a say in vascular conditions research

A new survey will give patients, carers and members of the public the opportunity to have their say in what they think is important for future research for vascular conditions.

The Vascular Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) survey, developed in partnership with the James Lind Alliance aims to identify unanswered questions about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vascular conditions from the perspective of patients, carers and vascular health professionals. The project is being led/managed by the Vascular Research Group at Hull York Medical School and is supported by a National Steering Group with representation from the key Vascular Societies, charity and Advocacy groups.

The survey can be accessed via the Vascular PSP website of Hull York Medical School.

Patients and carers across the UK are closest to the conditions and living with the effects every day. They have valuable insight to share

Ian Chetter

The collective term for diseases of the veins and arteries, vascular disease can affect every part of the body to which blood flows. It includes conditions such as strokes, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Vascular disease is as common as cancer and heart disease and accounts for 40% of deaths in the UK. Yet many of these deaths are preventable.

Professor Ian Chetter, Professor of Surgery at Hull York Medical School, Honorary Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and Surgical Specialty Lead – Vascular Surgery for the Royal College of Surgeons and lead for the Vascular PSP believes it will help ensure research is developed which will really make a difference to those living with vascular conditions. He says: "Despite ongoing research activity in the UK and other countries there are still many unanswered questions about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease. Patients and carers across the UK are closest to the conditions and living with the effects every day. They have valuable insight to share and by working with them, and vascular health professionals who are diagnosing, treating and helping patients to manage these conditions, we can focus on those areas which will have the most impact."

As well as identifying questions about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the vascular disease, the Vascular PSP will also help to increase awareness of why research into vascular conditions is necessary and important. This will help researchers to campaign major funders to invest in research into vascular conditions, as there will have been an independent process to identify what research is necessary and relevant.

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The project is being independently overseen by the James Lind Alliance, a non-profit making initiative which was established in 2004. They specialise in bringing patients, carers and health professionals together in ‘priority setting partnerships (PSPs) to identify and prioritise ‘unanswered questions that they agree are the most important. By doing this they aim to ensure that health research funding bodies are aware of the issues which matter most to people who need to use the research in their everyday lives.

Hull York Medical School has a proven track record of undertaking research which is regionally relevant but which also impacts national and international health agendas. It has a long history of vascular research in particular and has an active vascular research group which comprises clinical academics who undertake research across the broad spectrum of vascular disease.

Professor Una Macleod, Dean of Hull York Medical School, says ‘we are committed to making a difference to the lives of patients within our communities, nationally and internationally. Public and patient involvement is at the heart of our approach, and initiatives such as the Vascular PSP will ensure we continue to advance developments in healthcare – treatment, diagnosis and care. ‘

Source: Hull York Medical School


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