The Medical Board Members of Xpomet Medicinale: Dr. med. Henri Michael von...
The Medical Board Members of Xpomet Medicinale: Dr. med. Henri Michael von Blanquet, MaHM, Head of the Medical Board; Founder Precision Medicine Alliance and Founder, Suenjhaid! The Health Captains; Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Werner, CEO University Hospital Essen; Constanze Schwarz, Head Physician for Emergency and Acute Care, Sana Hospitals Leipzig Region; Prof. Dr. Harald Schmidt, MD, PhD, PharmD, FESC,Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacology & Personalized Medicine Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences, Maastricht University; Dr. med. Arno Roßlau, retired Surgeon General; Prof. Dr. med. Bettina Borisch, MPH, Head, Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva, Director and Head of the World Federation of Public Health Associations. (not present: Board Head of Honor Prof. Dr. med. Harald zur Hausen, President Emeritus, German Cancer Research Center, Dinstinguished Professor and Nobel Laureate in Medicine; Prof. Dr. med. Christoph von Kalle, Chief Scientific Officer at Sierra Medicine, Qatar)

Source: Xpomet

News • Xpomet preview

A passion for value-based innovations in medicine

International leaders in medicine aim at analyzing, evaluating, and incorporating the major developments in the field into the ecosystem of Xpomet Medicinale.

These leaders forming the Medical Board met on 20 March to discuss the trending topics and how to approach them regarding the structure and goals of the Festival. Christian Dierks, owner of the innovation consultancy for healthcare and life sciences Dierks + Company, hosted the meeting at the Helix Hub in Berlin. In addition to key members of the Board, Xpomet co-founder Alois Steidel and, via video link, Xpomet founder Ulrich Pieper were present as well as Simon Richter, Head of Exhibitions. 

Creating a path towards a successful Xpomet was the goal of this meeting. Organizers expect to welcome 5,000 attendees for the Festival in Berlin. Marrying the right topics with the right structures will be the major success factor in making this happen. At that meeting, communicating the “passion of value-based innovations in Medicine” was considered a pillar of this approach. It will include social innovations, the penetration of digitization, and with it the urge from the public to see healthcare catch up with the rest of society in terms of technological progress towards digital health. With the expertise contributed by each member in the group, the board represents a wealth of knowledge that can help to accelerate the transformation process in Germany and Europe.

The question I ask myself is, will Europe lead, co-lead, or follow?

Harald Schmidt

Medical Board head Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet anchored the “Open agenda for the definition of targets”, a platform to discuss how a resilient networking structure can be created which ensures that Xpomet brings in the right voices to amplify its core message. Xpomet aims for 150 key evangelists across its medical board, ambassadors, and advisory board. This follows “Dunbar's number”, defined as the “suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships … relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person”. Healthcare, according to the discussion, needs this kind of leadership in order to help structures move to the tipping point.

As part of this strategy, Xpomet’s aim is to go global and build an international medical board with commitment from all fields. It will pool resources to strengthen its impact on the way we provide care in the future.

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“At some point in my career I started to understand that better health requires more than my diagnosis as a physician”, explained Prof. Dr. med. Bettina Borisch, MPH, Head, Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva, as well as Director and Head of the World Federation of Public Health Associations. “That’s why I moved into Public Health; this allows me to make a contribution to people leading healthier lives. My commitment for Xpomet comes from the idea that bringing together the knowledge of stakeholders from multiple backgrounds will help to accelerate progress in health. I myself am bringing in biomedical know-how and the global health perspective … We need to evaluate emerging technologies and define how to employ them for the benefit of citizens worldwide.”

“Digitization and Big Data analytics are happening today”, outlined Prof. Dr. Harald Schmidt, MD, PhD, PharmD, FESC, Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacology & Personalized Medicine Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences, Maastricht University. “Discussions on these developments involve all relevant disciplines. I see my contribution, as a medical doctor and a pharmacist, in particular in providing proofs of concepts – they will provide evidence that this is the next big thing. The question I ask myself is, will Europe lead, co-lead, or follow? One thing is for sure: Xpomet will foster this progress, and I am glad to have a part in it.”

Source: Xpomet


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