New wave IT flows towards greater mobility
Just as medical teams are getting used to using management and hospital information systems (HIS) the next wave of innovative IT products and solutions is ready to hit them.
Just as medical teams are getting used to using management and hospital information systems (HIS) the next wave of innovative IT products and solutions is ready to hit them.
Digital data exchange between hospitals is often not possible without replacing software.
UK - Looking at the growing need to understand how digitisation of health information will impact upon patients, staff and managers across the health service, Professor Ann Blandford of the University College London, and Professor Peter Lunt, surveyed 200 patients as well as their representatives, clinicians and other healthcare professionals (librarians and IT staff) working in eight NHS trusts.…
By Kaj Blomqvist MSc (E.E.), electronic engineer for the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS), and currently in charge of the `Picis CareSuite Project´, which aims to automate all HUS acute care departments.
Son Dureta University Hospital, in Palma de Mallorca (Balearics), is Europe's first to use a clinical information system developed from a partnership between Oracle Corporation, Orion Health and Fujitsu Services. Joan Marqués Faner, the hospital's Chief Information Officer, discussed the system with Eduardo de la Sota, our correspondent in Spain.
Keith Halson, EH correspondent in France reports about Medical Schools under pressure and English-speaking support networks.
Under a new law amendment, signed last month by Czech president Vaclav Klaus, patient will be able to see and copy their own medical records without restrictions.
An independent report that suggests better ways to use the UK's current radiotherapy resources, as well as predicting the needs of a radiotherapy service in the future, has been released by the National Radiotherapy Advisory Group (NRAG), led by national cancer director Professor Mike Richards, and Dr Michael Williams, vice president of the Royal College of Radiologists.
]UK — Leading up to his June departure as Prime Minister, Tony Blair highlighted his government's achievements in the National Health Service (NHS), particularly in the way technology has improved and is set to improve patient care.
It took 152 years, but now the ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule) Zürich for the first time named a femal rector: Prof. Heidi Wunderli-Allenspach. She will succeed the present Rector, Prof. Konrad Osterwalder in September and will join the club of European rectors that has really been a men´s world so far.
"The world at home in German hospitals" - that was the hope of many German hospitals which wanted to attract well-heeled foreign patients to bolster their budgets. The high expectations of the business model "guest patient", however, were disappointed as a sobering study of the Sozial- und Seniorenwirtschaftszentrums GmbH (swz/IHT) conducted in the framework Health Care Export Projects shows.
Beckman Coulter has launched the next analyzer in its growing family of UniCel® systems, the UniCel DxI 600 Access® Immunoassay System. This instrument is designed for mid-volume laboratories, a segment which represents more than 45 percent of the immunodiagnostic testing market, worldwide.
During four days in March, 54,000 people visited the four huge exhibition halls that housed the 23rd Korean International Medical Equipment Show - KIMES 2007.
Topical presentations on management, IT and finance in radiology sparked lively discussions among the 300 participants of our symposium for hospital managers, which we organise jointly with the ECR.
Following international pilot studies, Intel Corporation and Motion Computing have released the Motion C5 - a mobile clinical assistant (MCA) for use by nurses.
Last year the European Commission, DG Health and Consumer Protection, observed that the health sector still lags behind other industries in introducing systematic safety processes and recommended the introduction of the electronic medical record (EMR).
Milan - Founded in 2001, Italbioforma is a non-profit association focused on medical training - including specialist distance learning.
Some 23 years ago, when William Mortimore set up a firm to focus on connectivity, a tool called MergeBox (which allows modalities to speak to other networks) inspired him to name his new business.
For many years, in almost all Dutch hospitals, assistant-doctors have worked alone during evening, night and weekend shifts, when the responsible physicians are not available.
Medical centres have never been busier, which is why more and more are installing touch screens that allow patients to check themselves in, then alert them when the doctor is ready. At KIOSK Europe, the fair for self-service terminals, technologies and solution, May 8-10 in Essen, Germany, exhibitors like Innovations in Technology in cooperation with 3M Touch Systems will introduce their new…
The amended version of the new Czech Labour Code stipulates that emergency working hours and overtime in hospitals and social care institutes be altered so that employees are paid no less than they receive for regular working hours.
According to an as yet undefined ruling of the European Court of Justice, EU patients whose names have been on long waiting lists for surgery in their homeland now have a right to be treated in another EU country, and this is to be reimbursed by their national health insurers.
Once upon a time iSOFT was the software 'wunderkind', with sales hitting the billion-euro mark. Then disaster struck. Money and reputation vanished. But that was once upon a time today iSOFT is back - with fresh strategies aimed at a happy ending. Daniela Zimmermann, of European Hospital, met with Peter Herrmann (above), Managing Director of iSOFT Deutschland, to discuss old mistakes and new…
In a recently published article, a team from Médecines Sans Frontières have suggested a 'World Health Insurance' to help provide healthcare for people in poorer nations (see box). Over 50% of the 42 countries carrying that healthcare burden would be European.