E-health in the Netherlands

The Dutch E-health initiatives have made remarkable progress in recent years, writes Marcel Swennenhuis, President of Topicus HealthCare. Many solutions, such as online medication services, patient portals and web-based disease management initiatives, demonstrate the success of the country's EHR approach.

A software for patients privacy

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a software application to automatically "de-identify" medical records. The software might help to allay patients' fears about who has access to their confidential data. It is capable of deleting details which may identify patients while leaving important medical information intact.


Frost & Sullivan: PACS to capture Europe

A new analysis from Frost & Sullivan estimates that the PACS market in 2014 is set to reach $1,035.3 million in 2014 and forecasts significant opportunities in the European PACS market for vendors who can provide customised solutions and products that support enhanced workflows.


Telemedicine for operating theatres

In Genk, Belgium, the Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg hospital simplified surgical workflow by installing a telemedicine system in a newly constructed interdisciplinary surgical wing. Dr Hubert Van der Put, Medical Director of ZOL, recalls its initiation and subsequent success.. In all major projects with lots of participants, success comes from timely planning between every department and company…


Pregnant Jessica

Wales - Jessica Tate is pregnant. Hers is a normal pregnancy. There is, however, some concern because she wants her baby to be born at home, but is often alone there because her partner must travel for his work. Mid-term, she is tired and has mild anaemia. At one stage in her pregnancy she also falsely believes labour has started and is worried. However, all should go well. She benefits from…


3D medical imaging anywhere & anytime

Medical imaging innovator Barco unveiled AVT, a new advanced visualization solution with which doctors can read volumetric studies throughout the hospital, in a remote office, or even at home. This solution makes the diagnostic process considerably faster and more flexible.


TietoEnator combines the best of four HIS into one solution

Over the past years, TietoEnator has integrated ITB, Waldbrenner, and Cymed - three companies which had all realized functional and powerful Hospital Information System solutions and components for more than 200 customers. The strengths of the individual solutions are being brought together in one single common platform extend by several new features. A team of developers across TietoEnator has…


Baltic Conference on E-Health in Hamburg (Germany)

On September 21 the Baltic Conference on E-Health will take place at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. Representatives from hospitals, governments, health insurance organizations, service providers and media throughout Europe find a cross sector forum to discuss the common challenges associated with affordable quality care.


Digital dashboard software for PACS admin

Eastman Kodak Company is selling its new Carestream Digital Dashboard software that enables system administrators to monitor equipment performance, storage utilisation and user volumes for the company's Carestream PACS and information management solutions. Kodak also reports that the next version of this software will support monitoring of the Carestream Radiology Information System (RIS).


Listening to your IPod improves your stethoscope skills

An IPod is a wonderful and useful thing. You can carry it with you wherever you go and repeat your favourite song as often as you like until you know every syllable of it. Probably this was the thought of Dr Barrett from Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia when using it for his lectures: To improve the stethoscope skills of his students, he recorded a “hitlist” of common heart…


How much IT does healthcare really need?

The question is increasingly significant. Information technology (IT) has thrust itself into all corners of life — some argue for better, some for worse, largely because efficient electronic networking cannot happen overnight. Thus gatherings to share experiences are valuable, as seen in the Berliner Klinik-IT Forum, a two-day event in January, supported by the Charité Berlin. The theme was:…


Article • The impact of PACS

Radiologists diversify into new fields

Sweden - PACS is pushing radiologists towards increasing specialisation, according to a new study - among the first to examine the impact of PACS on radiologists' careers - published in the Journal of Digital Imaging (27/12/2006).


HDTV advantages lead to medical advances

The St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim, Norway, conducted a study based on a HDTV video laparoscope system in operating rooms (Olympus). By Ronald Mårvik MD PhD, surgeon at St. Olav's Hospital, University Hospital in Trondheim, Norway and the Head of the National Centre for Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, and Thomas Langø PhD, research scientist with SINTEF Health Research, Medical Technology.


What PACS integration will mean to our services

Working in conjunction with Sicily's biggest public hospital, the radiology department at The University Hospital of Palermo carries out around 100,000 examinations annually and employs 35 physicians and biologists and has over 50 students. In an interview with EH, Professor Robert Lagalla, head of the department, discussed the current installation of a PACS that will serve the central radiology…


Buying a PACS? Think first!

Considerable analysis must influence your choice of system, advises Helmut Ringl MD, of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Vienna General Hospital, where life without a PACS is now 'unimaginable'

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