Patient-centric Vendor Neutral Archive

Fujifilm – Synapse VNA

Synapse VNA is the true-VNA application for the content management of images and medical information at the enterprise level; it is an open storage solution, secure, scalable, standard-based and focused on medical data, DICOM and native non-DICOM objects coming from any medical departmental system.

Synapse VNA is a patient-centric Vendor Neutral Archive that can be configured to manage the data and transactions using the same shared infrastructure for multiple sites, facilities, departments, and business units with the aim of building a complete and up to date Electronic Medical Record.

  • Improved Patient Care: Access to the complete medical record of the patient on one platform ensures that clinicians are fully equipped to provide timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
  • Enterprise Data Management Policies: Standardized enterprise data management rules greatly decrease storage costs and reduce or eliminate legal liabilities using institutional data purge policies or data tier policies (hardware/ compression rules). 
  • Facilitates Completion of EMR/HER: Placing more information into an EMR/EHR context allows broader distribution of content to physicians and clinicians. This results in greater acceptance of the EMR/EHR by both physicians and allied staff.
  • Optimization of IT Infrastructure: Using a shared archive platform to store clinical data and distribute it, IT management can reduce complex system interfaces to the EMR/EHR, enterprise information systems (EMPI, patient registration, etc.), and departmental information systems (RIS, CVIS, etc.) within the enterprise.
  • Reduction of Interface Costs: La funzionalità di collaborazione (Collaboration) permette ad un utente di invitare altri utenti a partecipare ed interagire ad una sessione di visualizzazione, connettendo in sicurezza pazienti, famiglie, specialisti, medici di medicina generale, clinici e in generale fornitori di cura tra di loro e con le informazioni di cui hanno bisogno.
  • Enhanced Clinical Information Life Cycle Management: Managing clinical data based on its clinical value over time in a tiered clinically-aware archive improves availability of information (via different QOS tiers) and reduces storage management costs (using intelligent compression or purging techniques).
  • Economies of Scale: Reduces the silos of clinical image data through implementation of a shared institutional infrastructure. This can reduce storage management costs—and improve data security (HIPAA compliance) by using standard IT policies and principles for managing enterprise data.
  • Supports open standards and is hardware agnostic: The Synapse VNA is a software platform that easily conforms to open standards as well as empowering organizations to leverage the latest advancements with Virtual Server and Storage Architectures.
  • Creates an Infrastructure for Data Mining and Outcomes Research: By connecting data across the enterprise, Synapse VNA will allow for broad-based analysis of clinical data usage patterns. This information can be used to potentially reduce costs and improve efficiencies at the department, facility, or enterprise level.
  • Improved Data Availability: A centralized image archive allows for an easier and less expensive implementation of high availability data management systems. Additionally, robust and intelligent software management layers allow for ease of management allowing the right users the right access to the right patient information.

Source: Synapse/Fujiilm


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