News • Imaging
FUJIFILM showcased its AI systems at HIMSS Europe 2019
FUJIFILM displayed its evolving portfolio of medical informatics and Enterprise Imaging innovations, by presenting REiLI, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Medical Imaging initiative at HIMSS & Health 2.0 Conference.
The AI revolution is underway, in an increasingly complex healthcare environment with larger datasets and rising demand for high quality care, Fujifilm, under the REiLI brand, is developing an open platform to realize a new diagnostic imaging workflow.
REiLI fits perfectly with our latest release Synapse 5: the server-side-rendering technology and the centralized processing of Synapse 5 allow the easy application of the Artificial Intelligence technology within the normal workflow management tool to support of health professionals. The new open platform will not only host Fujifilm’s AI technologies, but will also host various other AI technologies from external partners. The company will strive to support our customers’ by combining diverse AI technologies offering them the best support for their daily work which is currently increasing due to the sheer volume of Imaging scans as well as the complexity of the diseases their patients are facing.

The Fujifilm Healthcare IT platform Synapse displayed at HIMSS will included its comprehensive medical informatics and enterprise-imaging portfolio:
SYNAPSE 5 (PACS) sets a new standard for enterprise imaging. With a focus on speed and interactivity, Synapse 5 PACS provides remarkable on-demand access to massive datasets and the ability to immediately interact with the data.
SYNAPSE VNA (vendor-neutral archive) was designed for true imaging interoperability to enable practitioners to provide enhanced patient care across the enterprise. The VNA provides secure, easy-to-manage storage and access to the complete patient imaging record and links all HIT systems.
SYNAPSE Enterprise Viewer uses the latest server-side rendering technology to stream imaging securely and quickly to any authorized user. It can be used within applications, directly from your EHR, or on our mobile device apps. Both within and outside of the Enterprise, giving access to imaging immediately and helping clinicians making the most informed and accurate decisions. Synapse Enterprise Viewer allows multiple users to view images simultaneously, and to take control of them as they are presented in real time, thereby improving speed, efficiency and patient care.
SYNAPSE 3D is Fujifilm's portfolio of clinical modules (currently 55) for advanced processing and analysis of the medical imaging: it is a state of the art system which provides powerful and complete tools not only for Oncology, Radiology and Cardiology Departments, but also supports the Clinical and Surgical workflow. Fast, reliable and accurate, based on our heritage of Excellence in Imaging (across, our Photography, Graphics, Film and other mature business domains) Image Intelligence Fujifilm technology, Synapse 3D is the software platform that fully meets the new requirements for advanced processing and displaying of clinical and diagnostic imaging and for oncology and surgical planning.
SYNAPSE CWM, Clinical Workflow Manager, is the most advanced Information System on the market today, covering Radiology, Endoscopy and multiple Screening services – Breast, Bowel, AAA and many others. It continues to evolve to support the unique imaging andinformation needs in today's busy imaging departments. One platform can support acute care facilities, imaging centers, and radiology practices providing distributed diagnosis.
SYNCRO-DOSE is Fujifilms Radiation Dose Index Monitoring system, compliant with European Union Directive 2013/59 / EURATOM. Syncro-Dose is a comprehensive system for monitoring and managing patient radiation exposure at enterprise level across different imaging modalities and hospital facilities. It is a support for the optimization of radiological procedures and acquisition protocols, a tool for supporting clinical audit and it provides a comprehensive Patient Dosimetric History.

Innovating Healthcare
Fujifilm launched Fuji Computed Radiography (FCR), becoming the first company in the world to offer a digital X-ray diagnostic imaging system. Fujifilm saw the opportunity to leverage the technologies it had developed for FCR and contribute to the evolution of connectivity within and among medical facilities. What made Fujifilm’s SYNAPSE concept different was that it used the emerging Internet and web technologies instead of private networks. It was, in essence, a Web-based PACS: the first in the world in 1999
SYNAPSE’s rapid rate of adoption was due in large part to its capability, to contribute significantly to the quality of medical care by delivering images to clinicians fast and securely. We have over 800 Synapse sites in Europe, and over 5000 Synapse systems are installed in healthcare facilities around the world, earning the largest market share worldwide.
(*): Fujifilm’s artificial intelligence software is a work in progress and is not commercially available in Europe.
(**) Fujifilm estimation based on a set of data from multiple market research studies
(***) Synapse 3D is also known as Synapse Vincent is some global markets (Red Dot Award was given to Synapse Vincent)
Experts and product specialists are available at Fujifilm booth for product demonstration and to create tailor-made solutions for any healthcare provider.
Source: Fujifilm