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News • Data analysis tool
Blockchain app to optimise clinical trials
A new blockchain-based data analysis app aims to drive collaboration and insights across clinical trials. The tool, developed by software company Clintex, is designed to boost trial efficiency, help drive down the cost of new medicines and expediting their delivery to patients.
The app, called the Operational Excellence Module (CTi-OEM), provides operational oversight of clinical trials for clinical project managers, clinical data managers and remote staff; allowing in-stream decision-making on what actions are required to ensure a successful investigation into the safety and efficacy of new medicines. Using the tool's console, researchers can deep dive into clinical trial data and take action to make clinical trials run more efficiently. These operational issues include things like clinical protocol deviations and adverse events relating to patient safety in the clinical trial. The app consist of a comprehensive portfolio of tools, accessible through the CTi-OEM console.
One of the major obstacles to a successful clinical trial is adherence to the clinical trial protocol. Analytics within the new app allows the detection and analysis of these deviations and allows the clinical trial team to take speedy action. These tools provide insights into the major causes of non-compliance in clinical trials providing analytics to help clinical trial teams identify and resolve them to speed up progress.
Protecting patient safety during a clinical trial is the most important aspect in the development of any new medicine. Adverse events are safety issues that occur during the testing of a new medicine. CTi-OEM provides insight into patient safety throughout a clinical trial. For example, adverse event rate per site allows the clinical trial team to identify those sites that have a high rate of safety events which may point to procedural problems or may also uncover safety risks that need further investigation.
The developer is planning to launch a total of 7 different blockchain clinical trial applications that derive intelligent analytics from all types of clinical trial data and drive efficiency in clinical trials. Live client onboarding and revenue generation is scheduled to be implemented by the end of 2022, the company reports.
Source: Clintex