Dialogue, Exchanging Ideas and Networking at medicallounge, Berlin / Germany, on January 28 and 29, 2008

Discussing innovative solutions and new technologies, pooling strengths to tackle new challenges - the key purposes of AFHdialogTAGE, the Asklepios Future Hospital Program (AFH) Conference. The two-day specialist conference will be held in Berlin on January 28 and 29, 2008.

Asklepios Future Hospital is among the world’s largest healthcare system innovation programs, with a partnership network currently numbering over 20 leading industrial companies and healthcare cost carriers. AFH’s goal is to advance the development of healthcare technology, while promoting and driving the evolution of views and attitudes and the accompanying innovation process, which introduces changes to traditional models and systems, presents them for discussion and, where necessary, engineers their gradual withdrawal. AFH makes a firm commitment to standardized, networked thought processes in the healthcare system.

 Experts, management leaders from the fields of business, technology and medicine and healthcare visionaries meet to discuss eHealth solutions in telemedicine, hospital processes, home care and innovation. Specialist lectures, panel discussions and joint workshops address seminal future-oriented themes of healthcare economy in practical terms, focusing on solutions and strategies already in operation or slated for testing in the near future.

The conference programme will focus mostly on topics which contribute to connecting eHealth tools and users:

  • between clinics, cities, regions (national and international)
  • between players in healthcare as patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, health insurance providers, public health actors, educational and research institutions and politicians

In terms of content, AFHdialogTAGE will continue along its previous successful lines, with the first day planned to focus on experts’ talks and panel discussions. The core goal of AFHdialogTAGE is to present practical approaches and solutions to eHealth issues. The individual lectures, discussion topics and ideas for solutions are divided into following four core categories:

  • Telemedicine
  • Clinical Processes
  • HomeCare
  • Innovation

These categories will be examined in more depth in workshops held on the second day.

Further information on and registration, please, visit our website:

For further information please contact us.

Asklepios Future Hospital MarCom Office
Marsstr. 22, 80335 Munich, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)89 / 330 66 470 0

Fax: +49 (0)89 /330 66 -469


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