46th EASD Annual Meeting
20-24 September 2010, StockholmMässan conference centre, Sweden
Professor Claes-Göran Östenson, chair of the Local Organising Committee of the 46th European Association for the Study of Diabetes annual meeting, will welcome visitors in this the bicentenary year of the renowned Nobel-prize giving Karolinska Institute. Since its foundation in 1965, the EASD annual meeting has become the world’s largest international annual conference on diabetes research, drawing in scientists, physicians, laboratory technicians, nurses and students.

At last year’s event there were 16,577 participants from 115 countries. Today, EASD has more than 6,300 members.
The EASD encourages major end-point related trials carried out to evaluate diabetes treatments and the organisation provides an outstanding forum to announce those results to the scientific community.
From 2,159 abstracts submitted, the Scientific Programme Committee has selected 1,352 for presentation.
Topics include:
- Auto-antigens in diabetes
- Beta-cell imaging
- The future of anti-diabetic drug development
- Diabetes, obesity and cancer
- Diabetes in the context of psychiatric illness
- Breaking news from clinical trials
Made up of six parallel tracks, the programme includes symposia, keynote lectures and debates, covering both basic and clinical science. The scientific programme includes the Claude Bernard Lecture, Minkowski Lecture, Camillo Golgi Lecture and the Albert Renold Prise Lecture. The Rising Star Symposium aims to identify promising and innovative young researchers who are developing their research activities in Europe.
Titles of the lectures and symposia are online at www.easd.org. Additionally, soon after the event, webcasts of the major lectures will be accessible via the website.