
“Health IT is as important as water or electricity”

The Nordic countries have a reputation for being among Europe's avant-garde in the field of digital healthcare solutions. HealthTech Wire talked to Arto Ryymin, executive Vice President of Tieto's healthcare and welfare business, about what the rest of Europe can learn from the Nordic countries and about how health IT companies can support the standardization efforts under way in Europe.


Work stress among staff associated with hospital infections

Hospital-associated infections are a serious public health problem. Approximately 50 000 patients get hospital infection during their stay, and these infections are estimated to contribute to death in 2000 - 5000 cases. A recent study by The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and Turku University Hospital shows that hospital-associated infections among patients are more common in wards…


Meeting the needs of different cultures: Switzerland

From Switzerland, Dr André Weissen reports that there are no consistent hospital guidelines regarding patients' faiths. 'There are neither any directives nor binding rules as to how a hospital is to treat Muslim patients, for example. Nevertheless, everybody everywhere is trying their utmost to accommodate their specific needs.'


Meeting the needs of different cultures: Austria

Anna Köck, Dipl. Rel-Päd (FH), Catholic Hospital Pastor at Graz University Hospital, Head of the Centre for Graz Hospital Staff and Head of the Christians and Muslims in the Hospital symposium, discusses the legal position of Islam in Austria and examines the question of cooperation or conflict between Christians and Muslims in the hospital.


Meeting the needs of different cultures: The Czech Republic

Our correspondent Rostislav Kuklik (above) reports that the physician-to-patient relationship is always very specific when it comes to different cultures or ethnics. 'Worldwide, local doctors who care for patients from other than a major cultural background must be prepared to handle difficult situations, and solve truly unexpected issues.'


AACC: Webinar on Diagnostic Management

In recent years, America's health care systems has been characterized as fragmented and expensive, and even unsafe.  Part of the solution to these problems is the greater integration of health care data which offers the prospect of waste reduction; improvements in quality, patient safety and communications; and automated performance measurement. 

Faster, More Affordable Test Being Developed for Improved MRSA Screening

A rapid, portable, point-of-care test for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), developed by TwistDx based on a new way of detecting DNA, was one of nine products chosen from approximately 250 applications submitted to the Smart Solutions for HCAI programme, an NHS project that aims to identify innovative technologies with the potential to fight hospital bugs.


Huntleigh: Diagnostic division with new website

A new version of the Huntleigh - Diagnostic Products Division web site was successfully launched in January of this year with a new brand identity and will be followed by a change of the logo on products, facilities, and marketing materials in a transition that is expected to take about 18 months.


Make a note in your diary: The MCC Hospital World 2009

Globalization and internationalization are increasingly important, but the question is, how to handle these trends as they affect the hospital market? The 2009 MCC Hospital World Congress will again convene over 200 CEOs, senior executives and government officials from all sectors of the Hospital Industry to exchange ideas in order to foster innovative, solution-oriented strategies to advance…


Do you know the right financing strategy for your hospital?

Since the beginning of the global economic crisis the question of whether and how much hospital managers should invest in updating medical technology has become more complicated. Fear of making the wrong decisions and insecurity around future budgets make it even more important to find trustworthy and competent financial solutions shaped to the specific needs of individual hospitals. VR Medico,…


2009 economies

At the dawn of 2009, amid economic gloom worldwide, GE Healthcare has predicted that sales of its higher-priced (imaging equipment will be down in the USA in 2009, compared with 2008, and it is anticipating cost-cutting, which would include a reduction of employee levels.


Decreasing MRSA infections in UK

MRSA bloodstream infections in England are continuing to fall, the latest quarterly statistics from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) showed: There were 725 MRSA bloodstream infections in England between July and September. This represents a 13% decrease on the previous quarter (April to June) when there were 837 cases and a 33% reduction in the corresponding quarter of 2007.

Wipes meet international regulations

Pal International, which has manufactured a wide range of hygiene products and protective clothing for over three decades and currently supplies products to over 70 countries, has launched a new range of healthcare wipes that are compliant with the Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC), international quality standard ISO13485:2003 and carry the CE mark.

Hospitals cannot survive without IT

A study carried out this year by the VHitG e.V. (a German association of IT solutions providers for healthcare) produced the first complete market analysis of systems installed in hospitals, along with an evaluation of the use of IT through the subjective appraisals of the users. The objective of the standardised online questionnaire, in which 480 people participated, was to determine the trends,…

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