Interventional Systems


Single Plane • Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V.

Canon · Alphenix Core+ High Definition Detector

Power: 100 kW
Detector: CMOS /a-Si / CsI
Pixel size: 76 / 194 μm


The flexible Alphenix Core+ is designed to take advantage of the latest technological innovations to reduce dose for patients and staff. A revolutionary graphic user interface and multi-tasking computer enable the system to fully meet your requirement for high image quality, safety, ease of use, high efficiency and improved workflow. 

In addition to helping clinicians perform their neuro, peripheral, and cardiac endovascular therapy, Canon Medical’s 30 × 30 cm True Hi-Definition Detector is now available for general interventional radiology.

  • Detector size: 30 × 30 cm / 30 × 40 cm

Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V.

Zilverstraat 1
2718 RP Zoetermeer

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