Superior image quality meets intuitive operating concept

Visiorad is an association of radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine practices which serve the northwestern part of Hamburg and the adjacent suburban areas. Dr Timo Gomille, partner of Visiorad, and his team focus on breast diagnostics. A mainstay of their daily work is the RS80A – the Samsung ultrasound system which impresses with superior image quality and an innovative operating concept

The Samsung ultrasound system RS80A impresses with superior image quality and...
The Samsung ultrasound system RS80A impresses with superior image quality and an innovative operating concept.
Source: Source: Samsung

‘The patient is at the centre of all our efforts,’ says Dr Gomille, ‘but whenever we detect a suspicious finding the patient is immediately worried, whether the concern is justified or not. The better the image quality the more confident is our diagnosis and the easier it is for us to alleviate any fears the patient may have.’

S-Vision architecture provides detailed and crystal clear images

For breast ultrasound Gomille prefers the Samsung RS80A. ‘We use the system for b-mode imaging and the advanced functionalities for mamma diagnostic purposes,’ Gomille explains, pointing at one of the major advantages of the RS80A: ‘superior image quality’. The technology behind this image quality is the so-called S-Vision architecture: the S-Vision beamformer manages to present both the b-mode and the colour image in high resolution. Moreover, artefacts are eliminated which results in clearer images. The S-Vision imaging engine provides exceptional depth, detail and resolution for all tissues.

Point in case: the retromamillary region. It is difficult to image due to the awkward beam angle which makes it close to impossible to look at deeper tissues. ‘The difference between the RS80A and the previous generation of systems – and even some current-generation systems: the RS80A almost completely compensates attenuation, which is a problem in conventional imaging of the retromamillary region,’ explains Gomille. ‘When we compared different systems by different manufacturers we also noticed that the RS80A is very good with regard to showing target lesion details.’ This advantage, the team of Dr Timo Gomille hopes, will facilitate the decision whether a biopsy is indicated or not.

An intuitive operating concept for improved workflow

The intuitive operating concept is another feature of the RS80A that impressed Dr Gomille, as it makes working with the system very comfortable. ‘Particularly the routine examinations that are a considerable part of our daily workload can generate a certain pressure,’ the physician points out. Approximately 30,000 patients present every year at the different locations of the network including those who participate in the German mammography screening program and those who undergo treatment. ‘Our teams work at different workstations and with different physicians.

Nevertheless we want every physician to be able to work at any workstation. Therefore we need simple operation and standardized presets so everybody can reproduce his or her usual image parameters.’

The RS80A can easily be adapted to the individual needs and preferences of the user. The control panel moves in six ways and is equipped with a motorised lift.

The foldable monitor and the tilting 13.3’ touchscreen make working with the system safe and comfortable. Gomille’s conclusion: ‘Our team tested different systems and we looked for the combination of image quality and operating concept. The Samsung RS80A delivered.’

Innovative advanced functionalities for confident diagnoses

The RS80A features optional innovative functions such as ElastoScan™: Beyond 2D images of the breast tissue, elastography provides colour-coded information on tissue elasticity. ‘A crucial advantage of ElastoScan is the fact that it shows the real size of a tumour,’ says Wim van de Vooren, Clinical Marketing Manager at Samsung. ‘In radiography and conventional ultrasound the size of a lesion is frequently underestimated. Elastoscan however shows the direction in which the tumour grows, a very important piece of information when it comes to tumour resection.’

For Wim van de Vooren the RS80A is a flagship system in the Samsung ultrasound portfolio: ‘We are extremely proud of the RS80A as it allows us to provide exceptional performance not only for breast ultrasound practices but also for the hospital and the research segment.’


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