Sponsored • Laboratory worktable
See the GrossPath GP-1500 live in action!
Laboratory staff is permanently exposed to harmful formalin vapors. The GrossPath GP-1500 reduces this risk to a bare minimum as contaminated air is being extracted immediately downward and also backwards.
Additionally, the tissue grossing station complies with MAC (maximum allowable concentration) values for formalin.
Convince yourself of the advantages of a GrossPath

The No. 1 solution for eco-friendly tissue grossing stations is coming to Düsseldorf. Visit our booth and let us convince you of all the advantages that our GrossPath has to offer.
The special worktable designed to ensure a pollution-free, laboratory-grade working environment for slicing and preparing histological slide preparations. Its compact design makes the GrossPath Special Worktable the perfect laboratory equipment, especially for small facilities. As a product of our ECO-line, this worktable was designed with a special view to conserving energy and resources while delivering outstanding air extraction results. Buy it, set it up and power it on: thanks to its active-carbon air recirculation system, the GrossPath is ready for immediate use – no need for installing a costly, separate air ventilation system! As a result, a customer-supplied ventilation is not necessary, which can reduce investment and even overheads by up to 30 %. A permanganate carbon filter intercepts and efficiently purifies contaminated air and directs the clean air back to the laboratory. Thanks to the down-draft and additional backdraft system, formalin concentration will even be significantly below the MAC value throughout the entire extraction zone. Additionally, the GrossPath has a soundproofed exhaust fan that substantially keeps the noise level to a minimum. Thanks to its large permanganate carbon filter, the table can be in use for up to 800 working hours*
*operating time varies between 600 and 800 working hours
KUGEL medical is at Medica
Hall 13 / Stand E09