Sponsored • Lab equipment / grossing table
Kugel Medical – UCS-2000-D-E
Digitisation offers great opportunities in pathology to work more efficiently and faster. Used correctly, it reduces the workload for both pathologists and laboratory staff.

Image source: Kugel Medical
In routine operation, digitisation allows a secure workflow with high quality. Incoming samples are scanned and labelled. Tissue sections can be photographed with a digital high-performance camera during sample preparation. There is no longer any need to develop analogue photos and staple them into the file by hand.
One example for the use of digitalised work processes is the compact Grossing table UCS-2000-D-E from the Regensburg-based specialist Kugel medical. In addition to the prerequisites for digital processes, it offers all the safety and ergonomic features of a modern tissue cutting table.
The formalin contaminated air is extracted downwards by a down-draft system in a highly effective way. The system complies with all legally prescribed work limits and thus guarantees a pollution-free workplace.
More information is available at www.kugel-medical.de